The Many Benefits of Distributing Flyers Online

Distributing brochures online is good for your business. This is because our world in the last decade has gone from being analog to digital.

Yes, there are millions of people who continue to be analogous in their private, professional and business lives.

E-commerce is now the new word in town and with the internet there are no geographical limits or restrictions of any kind for people who want to distribute their flyers to their target market.

Standing on a street corner or physically going from one place to another to distribute your brochures is quickly becoming outdated, limited, restrictive, and may not guarantee success.

Distributing your brochures online also cannot guarantee immediate success in terms of closing a business deal or attracting members to your church, mosque or temple.

If you run a church, mosque, restaurant, accounting firm, health maintenance team, media outlet, school, media outlet, accounting firm, stock brokerage firm, grocery store, bank, it is advisable to change your analog ways to online ways of telling the world. about your product or service.

Nigeria, for example, has an estimated population of 180 million people. The Nigerian Communications Commission says there are 71 million Nigerians who have access to the Internet through their phones and computers.

McKinsey and company says that the internet subscriber base for Nigeria increased from 48.2 million in June 2013 to 67.4 million in June 2014, representing a density penetration of 40%.

For people who distribute their flyers online, these statistics will benefit them. With the global reach, limitless nature of the Internet, and lack of boundaries separating sellers from buyers, these are good business decisions for brochure distributors.

But, trust is a big word that most people are not comfortable with. Even with these encouraging statistics, about 95% of the people or companies in our country still prefer analogous ways of distributing their flyers to create public awareness of their product or service.

In public places in Lagos, in southwestern Nigeria, flyer distributors are seen every day handing out their flyers to people. Most of these flyers are dropped to the ground as soon as they are picked up.

However, with just one of your brochures scanned and posted online, millions of people around the world could see and read what you have to offer and then decide whether or not they want to deal with you.

It is cheaper, global and unlimited to connect online instead of physical contacts. Reflect on this.

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