How do you ensure the freshness of jerky in each delivery?

How do you ensure the freshness of jerky in each delivery?

Jerky is a wonderful gift idea for those that love to enjoy this delicious treat. But what can you do to make sure they continue enjoying it well into the future?

Proper storage is essential to jerky’s longevity. This helps prevent mold, bacteria and oxidation which can lead to rancidity.

Vacuum Sealers

A vacuum sealer is a great tool to have for the home cook because it preserves food items by creating an jerky subscription. This slows down the degradation of foods like meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, and dehydrated jerky.

Most external sealers work with bags, but a few have ports that attach to a suction hose that can be used to vacuum seal other containers like jars and canisters (as long as they’re compatible). These are ideal for sealing quick pickles or even whole spices.

Chamber models can also be used to vacuum seal liquids, though this is less common because the machine must be kept in a cool place and they’re typically larger and more expensive. This model from FoodSaver is an affordable, high-quality option that can be used to preserve both dry and wet foods. It works well with jerky and is easy to use. It also has a status light that tells you when it’s ready to seal.

Mason Jars

Invented by tinsmith John Landis Mason in 1858, the first glass jar with a screw collar lid allowed Americans to preserve their harvests and extend the variety of fresh fruits and vegetables they could consume year-round. With Mason jars, popular recipes of the day such as preserved citron, rhubarb jam, chilli vinegar and walnut catsup would be just as familiar to today’s home cooks.

Mason jars, which are also called Ball jars or jam jars or simply glass canning jars, make great storage containers for jerky. However, it’s important to store the jerky in an airtight container or zip lock bag that has food grade oxygen absorbers to eliminate the oxygen.

The best way to ensure your jerky will last longer is to slice it as thin as possible. Many jerky companies will slice the meat for you, so be sure to ask! If not, try asking your local butcher for the smallest slices they can offer.

Plastic Storage Containers

Jerky is a popular snack among millions of health-conscious consumers. Your success in this competitive market will depend on more than a fantastic product and great branding, though. It will also require a robust packaging solution to ensure freshness and extend the shelf life of your products.

The jerky-making process removes all pathogenic microorganisms from the meat, but spoilage microorganisms can develop during storage. These microorganisms may cause food-borne illnesses like E coli and listeria.

Luckily, there are plenty of options available to preserve the freshness of your beef jerky and keep it safe for consumption. From plastic storage bags to mason jars, you can choose airtight containers with resealable lids to store your jerky for long-term storage. You can also use oxygen absorbers in your packaging to eliminate free oxygen that causes bacteria growth. You can even customize your jerky packaging with hang holes, resealable zippers, custom labels and promotional stickers, and hang tabs.

Cool Storage

Jerky can be stored at room temperature for up to a year after it has been packaged. But once you open a bag, the shelf life is much shorter. It’s important to store jerky properly to keep it fresh and flavorful.

Mason jars are great for storing jerky because they provide an airtight seal that prevents oxygen from entering the meat. If you don’t have mason jars available, you can use plastic storage containers with a tight fitting lid or a Ziplock bag. When putting your jerky into a Ziplock bag, be sure to suck out as much air as possible to remove the majority of the oxygen and get it sealed.

Finally, once you have your jerky packed in an airtight and insulated container or ziplock bag, put it into the freezer to prolong its shelf life. Freezing foods keeps them longer by slowing the movement of molecules and causing microorganisms that spoil food to enter a dormant state.

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