Do you need an appointment? 1 UNUSUAL Way to Find Love BEFORE Valentine’s Day (Celebrities Do THIS All the Time!)

Who else is sick and tired of being alone? Has it been hard enough spending the holidays alone… ONLY to find Valentine’s Day right around the corner, which only makes things worse? Are you just done having to make excuses to friends and family, talk about how you’re too BUSY to date, or just pretend you enjoy being single JUST to keep people off your back? In this article I’m going to suggest a truly UNUSUAL way to find love THIS year, and if you hurry, in time for Valentine’s Day! (or at least in time to find the man you will FALL IN LOVE with by then, at the very least… 🙂

Filed Under: My Life as an Emotional Empath

The truth is, in my experience, the BEST way to find love is to look within. And no… I don’t mean in some kind of new age, what I mean is that I truly believe that EVERY single one of us already KNOWS who we are meant to meet… it’s just that for most people , especially women, that intuitive awareness is buried so deep that we rarely discover it. (or at least NOT until it’s too late)

What do I see when I look for love?

Everyone has an aura. An energy around you that vibrates and radiates color and connection. Anger, jealousy, greed, depression… each emotion has a subtle energy body associated with it, and that can be read, interpreted, FIXED, and healed.

When you are alone, but really looking for love… you need to do 2 things:

Align your inner INTUITION and awareness with the emotional energy of another person (often, in my very experienced world view, that of someone ALREADY within your circle or sphere of influence, and this is often known as a compatibility reading loving)

But also…

You have to work through imbalances, blockages and repression points in your emotional balance. (Sounds cheesy, Trust me… I know, but this is the key component of everything from the “Chakra” system in many yogic traditions, to acupuncture, energy healing in science, as well as our very simple work in the LOVE. psychic sciences too… 🙂

If you really want to find love, STOP being lonely, and try the above ideas… EVEN IF they seem silly, new age or crazy to you, I recommend investing 10 or 20 dollars in an intuitive reading of love and see what tells you about Dating, in 2011 and beyond. The truth is, it will cost LESS than a few drinks at another local bar…and often if you are like thousands of people from ALL walks of life every WEEK, you could have a lifetime of benefits that you BOTH go to be grateful. (once, of course, you realize he’s the “chosen one”… 🙂

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