The truth about isometric strength training

If you’ve been involved in the fitness, exercise, and/or bodybuilding industry for any length of time, you’ve probably heard of isometric strength training

Isometric training (isometry is also commonly known as iso or iso) should not be confused with isotonic training. Iso’s, is where you exercise using very little or no movement. Isotonics, on the other hand, involve full movement in the exercise. (If you want to learn more about iso or isotonics, there are some great articles available online.) There are also some isometric exercise tutorials available that show you… step by step how to effectively use isometric training. as part of your fitness workouts.

I first learned about isometrics when I was getting my personal training certification in school. Since then, my education in iso-exercise has grown, as I studied the training and workout programs of many of the strongmen of yesteryear.

Isometric strength training is really about muscular strength. This type of training is very different from traditional bodybuilding and weightlifting. These are sports more than a form or manner of exercising. This type of training commonly uses the “progressive resistance” technique or protocol. So you continually add resistance and can use a variety of different exercises and types of resistance training equipment to target specific muscle groups.

Many sports use isometric strength training as part of their training regimen. The most notable are… football, hockey, track and field, baseball, downhill skiing, swimming, and many others.

Today, more and more athletes, both at the Olympic and professional levels, use isotraining as part of their sports improvement programs.

Strength training history

The truth about resistance training is that it has been around for many years. It was not until the 20th century with the advent of new materials, scientific knowledge, and modern technology that the uses of resistance training increased significantly. Before this, these workouts were relegated solely to the world of weight training.

Progressive resistance training dates back to ancient Greece. Milo of Croton, a legendary fighter… Trained by carrying a small calf every day until the calf was fully grown. He was considered one of the strongest fighters of his time. For example, in the legendary 19th century Indian wrestler… the Great Gama, he used “Indian clubs” for his bodybuilding workouts.

This type of training became very popular in the 1980s, after the release of the bodybuilding movie…Pumping Iron.

Today, nearly one in five women in the US engages in resistance training on a regular basis. If you’re not including isometric strength training as part of her workouts, maybe you should consider it. There are many types of isometric exercise equipment available today. The bottom line is that isoexercise works.

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