Success is not for the weak!

Successful people are like the worldly, mediocre, average people around them; except for one thing, they all possess an attitude of never giving up no matter what. That is the element of success that you and I need to possess if we ever hope to achieve our dreams and goals in life. No, success is not for cowards!

I’ve been doing some research on the hound dog. Bloodhounds are known for their sharp and unique tracking abilities. They say you should keep a good leash on your hound at all times because if it catches the scent of a rabbit or whatever it decides to track, you can yell its name as loud as you want but it will react as if it could. I don’t hear you, why? Because the bloodhound is on the trail of his target and nothing and no one can divert attention from him.

This is an amazing image of what we must become on our way to achieve our goals and dreams. We must “FIX” our attention firmly on the thing and refuse to be distracted by the external chatter of life that causes us to lose our focus.

When the hound lowers its head to the ground to trace the trail it seeks, the drooping folds of skin around its eyes fall away and become like the blinders that riders place over the eyes of horses to prevent them from seeing anything but their eyes. the trail ahead. them.

We, however, do not have blinders built in around our eyes and therefore must deliberately fix our eyes on the prize and refuse to allow life to distract us from moving toward our destiny.

The hound has large flexible jaws that swing back and forth as it follows its prey. Every time these dangling jowls move from side to side, they are serving to ventilate a fresh whiff of scent into the dog’s nostrils, continually renewing his mind about what he is looking for.

Your mind is the best tool you will have to reach your goal. Every move you make is one that you have thought about and decided to make. Your brain tells your hand to put food in your mouth, walk, or talk.

The greatest motivational take is the power to continually encourage, refresh, and renew your goals each day. When you renew your commitment to follow your goal, you are refreshing the aroma of that goal in your spirit and mind. You are bringing a new focus to your thoughts and moving away from everything that distracts you from your vision.

Let’s face it, life is a long succession of distractions. There are a hundred things you could be doing today, so it’s up to you and me to decide which ones will serve to get us closer to our goal and which ones are just distractions.

You have the power to decide! Such a simple prayer, yet there is a life-changing power in a decision. Decisions are not always easy to make. Saying Yes to your goal is saying NO to everything that doesn’t help you get there. Saying NO is a learned behavior, it gets easier the more you say it. Say no to the list of distractions that haunt you throughout the day. Even at the risk of sounding unsympathetic, the focused person has learned to say no to parade parties, family functions, employee gatherings, and a hundred other distractions that don’t serve to bring him closer to his goal.

They say, “If you want to destroy a man’s vision, give him two.” When you are doing everything, you can never achieve that THING you want most. Having a vision for your life is like having optical vision, double vision is not a good thing. Double vision causes a person to stumble and prevents them from seeing anything clearly. However, how many times have we casually set out to achieve a goal with one eye on the goal and the other eye on something else entirely? St. James, in the Bible, said, “A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.”

It’s time to make a decision about your goals. Then renew that commitment each morning, get a fresh scent of sleep in your spirit. Put the blinders on your mind and start tracking again and when you do, nothing will stop you from achieving everything you have set out to achieve! No friend, success is not for cowards!

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