Organic Latex Mattress 101 – Buy the Right One for Your Bed

There are many confusing bits of information scattered around buying an organic latex mattress, including a lot of misinformation on the subject. You’ll also find a lot of conflicting information, so you might end up buying something you didn’t want in the first place. So how do you know which one to buy to get the best for your money and your needs?

First of all, there are so many different types of mattresses available on the market, and it’s easy to lose sight of what you originally intended to buy as you become overwhelmed by the many options out there. So never forget what exactly you want to buy and always keep it in front of your eyes.

You also need to know what exactly an organic latex mattress is. Ask 50 people and you will get 50 different answers. First of all, organic means that it must be made from 100% organic components. Unfortunately, by law, if the manufacturer adds as little as 10% organic material mixed in with other things, they can easily call that mattress “organic.” So when you are about to buy, make sure you are getting 100% organic material for your money. Don’t settle for less.

You can sometimes find products under the name ‘pure’. Pure does not mean organic. Many times manufacturers use the word pure to refer to their raw materials that are not mixed with other things. However, those raw materials are by no means organic. Most of the time, they just use this word as a marketing ploy to get more sales and people who are not aware of the differences easily fall for it.

In addition, the actual cover must also be completely organic. You can find many materials in the cover, such as bamboo or cotton, however if you see that it is made of bamboo, stay away from it. Bamboo goes through some processes that use various harmful chemicals in the manufacturing, so bamboo decking might actually harm you more than help you. If you see cotton as a cover material, this is safe to use.

And when it comes to the actual latex, it must also be 100% natural latex. You can find many latex materials available today, some natural, some synthetic, and some even made from a mix of the two types. Try to avoid anything synthetic, even if the mix contains a minor amount. The synthetic goes through a process that, like bamboo, works with many chemicals that are harmful to the human body.

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