How to write a good book review

My blog work includes reviewing many books and ebooks and even articles. Writing a good book review is not an easy task, but don’t worry, as an expert, I will share some tips with you in this article. There are a few things to remember when reviewing a book.

First of all, you have to read the book. Believe it or not, but it’s not that obvious. I know many people who review books without reading them. They read few pages and write a negative review. OK, I understand that some books are terrible, and everything you can write about them will be negative, but please. The honest review is a review based on the book you have read. Personally, I have read many books that were a waste of time, but I managed to survive them :). Know this: when you read a terrible book, you gain a broader perspective and may admire a good book more.

After reading, you can get to work. There are few major items required for each review. You must first present the general plot or “about” when it is not fiction. Your reader should know what the book is about. You can then post your thoughts on the “about” or the overall plot – let readers know about your review.

So let’s focus on the content. Tell your readers what you like and don’t like about the plot or content of the book. Provide people with their own point of view and opinions on the topic the author wrote about. Tell readers if the book is educational or engaging. For example, if you’re reviewing a paranormal fiction, tell readers how accurate the paranormal interior is and how compelling the plot is. When reviewing the WordPress how-to guide, tell readers how accurate the book is according to the WordPress technical manuals.

Finally, look at the technical issues: text, misspellings, bad grammar, DTP, graphics and illustrations, and even something as simple as the cover: is it hardcover or paperback? The technical details are good, people like to know physical things.

At the end, give the readers your final opinion: is the book worth reading or not? Do you recommend it? If so why? But because? Give readers a simple decision, so they don’t have to think too hard about whether or not the book is worth buying.

All of this makes for an excellent review that all readers will enjoy. Remember: your review is important, as it could drive sales or make the book editor’s mistake.

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