How to steal your man’s heart forever

Are you interested in permanently stealing your man’s heart and making him love you even when a charming princess shows up to him? Or are you in a marriage where you are dissatisfied with your husband’s love for you and his dire need for help?

Then practice the powerful tips recommended below.

1. Locate your talents and worship them.

There is one thing that most men have in common. It’s called EGO. If you want your man to show a lot of affection every time he sees you, then you will have to be his number one cheerleader.

It won’t matter much how many are trying to win his love if the person closest to him, which is you, makes him a champion of your life.

2. Provide unconditional support.

I have discovered that the most beloved women are those who take it upon themselves to be a part of their man’s dream.

For example, if you have a man who loves to be a great golfer … offering to accompany him during his weekend workouts can create a bond that can never be altered, even if he meets an extremely charming lady.

3. Never try to “change” your man. Influence him by accepting him for what he is.

That you love your man does not mean that you will like everything he does. But if you want him to go crazy for you … all you have to do is minimize his weaknesses.

You can be a know-it-all, or the kind of person who works things, or a critic, or a procrastinator, or even a bully. But … there is only one way to help your relationship: make him love you like crazy … first … then you can influence him to be better.

4. Understand your man. Know when and when not to contact him.

Men really go crazy for women who understand them. If your man is tired or involved in a project and you really want to talk to him about something, wait for the right moment.

But if you must speak to him immediately … then get straight to the point. If he wants the details of the subject, he will ask for them.

5. Bathe him with affection

Take your man’s hand in public. Flaunt it to the world. Let him know how proud you are of him. The mistake many women make is that they think that loving a man begins and ends in the bedroom.

That is not true. You need to use the power of his ego to your advantage and that is what you do when you are affectionate towards him in public.

6. Respect it

Show respect for your man by … not making nasty comments about his judgments and opinions. Be considerate of your plans and avoid “rolling your eyes” when you hear it.

In fact … if you are dating or married to a younger man … this will be a great way to fill him with nonsense with your love flooding his heart. Very few men can have a long-term loving relationship with arrogant women. It doesn’t just work.

7. Give him the precious gift of freedom.

Men need time to be alone. Trying to mark them closely is very counterproductive. They need some privacy to revitalize and regroup from time to time.

You can be very supportive by understanding those moments and leaving them alone. Increase his uniqueness and multiply the value he would place on you as his wife.

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