Anacardium orientale for food-related anxiety

Anacardium Orientale is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the seeds of the marker nut. Hindus have used the nuts of this tree for all kinds of skin problems. The black, acrid juice was used to burn warts and clean leg ulcers. Hindus also mixed it with chalk to make an ink for marking clothes. The Arabs used the juice mainly for mental illness, memory loss, paralysis, and spasms.

The constitutional profile of the Anacardium Orientale type includes an inferiority complex and people who work hard to prove themselves. It is common to find that they may often have been overtaxed from a young age and lack self-confidence. It has been shown that these guys can display cruel behavior and confuse reality and fantasy. An irresistible desire to use and curse is also noted.

Hallucinations can be found and patients often think they are possessed by two people or wills. There is anxiety when walking as if someone were chasing them.

It is a remedy for mental fatigue, when slight mental exertion causes a dull, pressing headache. It has also been used successfully in people who suffer from sudden memory loss and forget things as soon as they are told. Anacardium is prescribed to overcome memory weakness after exhausting illness or due to old age.

This memory impairment can lead to depression or aversion to work with a lack of self-confidence. Fear of exams, interviews or public appointments is noted.

People who suffer from anxiety associated with food are usually prescribed this remedy. This covers both undereating and overeating as a way to treat and deal with anxiety.

This remedy is indicated when there is a sensation of constricted pain, as if the intestine or anus were blocked, a sensation of tightness or constriction around the body. Anacardium may also be given for constipation, rheumatism, and duodenal ulcers which feel better after eating but then cause acute discomfort once the food has been digested.

A patient may also become violent and suffer from deep melancholy and hypochondriasis. May cause bodily injury to others without cruel, malicious or perverse intent.

Patients will experience bouts of insomnia lasting several nights with anxious dreams when falling asleep.

Other symptoms that can be treated with Anacardium Orientale include:

Nose: there is frequent sneezing and the sense of smell is moistened.

Face: People who have blue rings around the eyes with a pale face.

Mouth – Painful nodules with unpleasant odor. He may feel bloated by the impending speech. There is a lot of saliva in the mouth.

Stomach: A common feature is weak digestion along with fullness and bloating. There is a feeling of emptiness in the stomach. Nausea and vomiting may occur. Eating relieves Anacardium dyspepsia.

Abdomen – there will be pain as if a blunt plug is pressed into the intestines. There can be a lot of noise and complaints.

Rectum – the rectum appears helpless as if it is covered. Even loose stools are passed with difficulty. Itching of the anus.

Man: Itching that needs sexual relief. There is an increase in desire with dreamless seminal emissions.

Woman: discharge with pain and itching.

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