Why Does Sudan Use So Many Solar Panels?

Solar Panels

Why does Sudan use so many solar panels? The country gets almost nine hours of sunlight per day, compared to the United Kingdom’s six hours. That’s over three thousand hours of sunshine per year! That’s about 0.66 kWh per square meter of land. A medium-income family in Sudan uses approximately five thousand kWh of electricity per year! That’s quite a bit of solar energy!

A large part of the increased production was due to the use of solar power in the drier summer months. Previously, farmers had to use fuel to pump water, which further reduced their income. With solar, they saved money by reducing fuel costs and requiring very little maintenance. This is an important environmental benefit, especially for a country that has been hit by desertification and climate change. The country’s government believes that solar technology will be affordable and widely used in areas that are not linked to its national grid.

Solar panels Sudan

As a developing country, Sudan has an extensive range of climates. Despite its small size, Sudan has several advantages for its agricultural production. Compared to many other developing countries, Sudan’s climate is very favorable for solar energy, which means it is an economical choice. Moreover, Sudan’s oil reserves have decreased significantly in recent years, making solar energy a very viable option for the country.

Why Does Sudan Use So Many Solar Panels?

The country’s sun-belt location makes the country an ideal candidate for solar energy. The country has a high potential for solar energy, yet there has been little investment in it, despite its obvious benefits. Despite its location in the sunbelt, the country hasn’t done much research on the feasibility of renewable energy systems, resulting in a lack of progress and investment. This has created an opportunity for Sudan to become a major exporter of renewable energy.

Solar energy Sudan

In the first part of the study, optimal solar PV plants were simulated in 21 different locations throughout Sudan. The locations had varying solar radiation and clearness indices. The results of these software-based analyses revealed that Wawa was the most efficient location for solar energy use in Sudan. This study highlights the potential for solar energy in Sudan and provides a reference for future studies on solar PV in the energy sector.

Solar power energy Sudan

The UNDP is testing new solutions in South Sudan, including solar-powered mobile clinics and cellular towers. Solar power can also be used to help alleviate fuel shortages in the Darfur region. This could also help reduce pressure on the electric grid. The country is currently adding more solar energy at home to help the country use it. It would also save the nation a lot of fuel and equipment costs.

The removal of solar energy apparatus from the strategic commodities list would raise the cost, but a reasonable levy for urban electric consumers would allow the money to be used in rural solar power producers. Solar energy in Sudan has become increasingly popular, attracting foreign investors. An Indian company has recently approached the Ministry of Investments and International Cooperation with an offer to invest in solar energy under a smart partnership with a multinational power group.

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