Why do girls like jerks? 5 reasons not to be the good guy

“Do girls like jerks?” This is a question that most of us ask ourselves when we see a hot girl dating a guy known for being a prominent jerk. Well, unfortunately, the answer is “yes”. Girls like jerks and most guys are flabbergasted by this fact, especially nice guys.

So why is being a jerk attractive to hot girls?

A few years ago, I asked myself the same question: “Why do girls like jerks?” They are associated with all the bad qualities of a man. They are inconsiderate, mean, rude, selfish and some are not even that good looking. Still, the girls want to be with them. Not only that, girls are magnetically attracted to them. Strange right?

It took me years to understand why girls like jerks. But let me try to explain what I learned in years, what you can learn in minutes.

Basically, what attracts men to women is extremely different from what attracts women to men. Men, in general, are turned on by the physical appearance of a woman. Besides the face, a nice body, nice tits and a nice butt are three things we look for in particular. Women, on the other hand, are not exclusively turned on by a man’s physical appearance. Women are more turned on by a man’s behavior. For most guys, this is why we don’t understand why girls like jerks.

So if you’re wondering “Do I have to be a jerk to get girls to like me?” The answer is no.” But at least you should have a better understanding of some of the fundamental qualities that most jerks possess and that girls like:

1. alpha male
Women go for the Alpha Male of the group. Leader. the dominator If you compare idiots to Nice Guys, 9 times out of 10, idiots will show more leadership and dominance than Nice Guys.

It is natural for a woman to want to feel safe at all times, if possible. Women naturally want to be protected and being with a jerk gives them a sense of security. Yes, jerks can be mean and rude at times, but at least they won’t back down when it comes to defending the girl they’re with.

3. Trust
Girls love confident guys and most jerks are confident, if not overconfident. Idiots talk and behave in a way that screams “I own this place.” Girls don’t want a guy who isn’t sure of himself.

4. Unpredictability
Idiots are unpredictable. Without even trying, jerks always keep a girl guessing. They do things to please themselves instead of the girl. Very counter-intuitive, yes, but this is what works with women.

5. Challenge
Most women like jerks because they present a much bigger challenge than nice guys. Women want excitement. They want to be the ones, at the end of the day, “taming the tiger.”

Now you should have a better understanding of why girls like jerks. Again, you don’t have to be a jerk if you don’t want to. But try to master these qualities so you can experience firsthand why these things work so well.

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