Weimaraners: High Energy Dogs for Families with Teenagers

How to handle Weimaraner energy!

Weimaraners can be loyal and devoted family dogs with adult children from athletic families. Families that have had a variety of experiences raising other dogs in the past will be a better fit for this hyperactive and quick-learning breed. Families living in single-family homes create the best environment for this breed. Weimaraners cannot handle the small, cramped confines of apartments. These medium to large dogs enjoy many outdoor activities when creativity is added to every walk and play time.

Turn the urban playground into an agility course, swap out walks with sprints, longer jogs, training drills, cycling or rollerblading. Weimaraners are easily bored with predictability. Always look for new places in town for your dog to explore – just like the thrill of the hunt! These dogs also make excellent watchdogs, in an environment with clear leadership the dog feels safe. Otherwise, you can exhibit aggression in the lost place.

Weimaraner toilet: a dog who loves water but hates baths

Weiamraners are hypoallergenic dogs. They have fair skin and a light coat. Washing once a month is great. Weimaraners are big dogs and I usually just hosed down Titan while he was outside. Unlike smaller dogs, you won’t have the luxury of bathing them in the privacy and comfort of your own home.

Don’t wash them too much! They can be sensitive to many products, and you should give them plenty of time between baths for their natural oils to soothe and protect their skin and coat. My favorite shampoo with Titan was Natural Oatmeal Bio Groom. Bio Groom has a silky smooth consistency, easy to apply, covers so well and smells so fresh! In addition, Bio Groom rinses quickly without leaving a film. You may want to double wash your Weimaraner sometimes because they have shorter hairs closer to the skin that are a little shaggy for warmth in the colder months.

Although Weimaraners love water, they may not enjoy baths. Titan struggled with baths well into his adulthood. Even as adolescent dogs, Weimars are large and heavy and wedge their front paws into doorjambs and grip the wall edges with their paws to keep from being shoved into a bathroom!

However, Titan loved the fresh feeling after the bath! She was dragging her face across the carpet with her bottom high in the air to dry her coat! Instead of throwing yourself on your back and squirming around for a satisfying back scratch!

after bath care

There is no need to dry your Weimaraner! A pat-down with a towel will suffice. The Weimaraner has short hair and naturally dries quickly. Once dry, I would finish the grooming routine with a few relaxing minutes of brushing. I recommend this rubber dog brush from Kong. This brush is comfortable to hold and won’t irritate a Weimaraner’s sensitive skin because the bristles are also thick and rubber coated. The friction of the rubber provides just enough traction to pull out all the loose hairs that are easily transparent. Keep your floors and furniture free of hair from any possible detachment of light. This brush also holds the hair you pull out inside the bristles for easy cleaning and cleaning afterwards.

Weimaraner Family Challenges

It’s not all fun and games…

I do not recommend the Weimaraner as a great family dog ​​for a family with small children. The reasons for this are numerous. Let’s start with the breed of the dog. Weimaraners are classified into the Hunting or Sporting Group, depending on where you look. They are most often classified as hunting dogs, which is saying a lot.

Since the Weimaraner’s primary instinct is to hunt, some individual dogs will have a stronger inherent hunting instinct and this is not suitable if you live in the city. A Weimaraner generally thrives best in rural settings, they have a very high energy requirement and do best with large areas of land where they can roam freely and safely. Not allowing the dog to run free for at least 1-2 hours a day will result in “breaking the dog’s temper” and lead to destructive and depressive behaviors.

Many Weimaraners end up in the pound or with horse trainers because the owners were not knowledgeable and couldn’t handle them.

The dog also possesses other traits that would naturally help its hunting abilities, but would not make it an ideal dog for young children; as “herding”. Weimaraners have been known to bite or “muzzle” around the ankles of “prey” to redirect the prey’s actions. You can see how this would be a problem with toddlers waddling and cooing in high-pitched voices.

This dog is highly intelligent and learns quickly, even emulating the actions of its human and other dog owners, whether these behaviors are desirable or not. He is also a step ahead of you, unless he is highly intelligent and has experience with dogs, the adolescent Weimaraner is exceptionally challenging due to his intellect, quick learner, and arrogance. I highly recommend getting professional training for any Weimaraner from the moment you bring him home, regardless of your dog experience. And I also highly recommend a Weimaraner not be your first dog, previous dog experience is a must to successfully breed a Weimaraner.

Weimaraner Character Traits

Although the Weimaraner is high-strung, stubborn, and can be very intelligent, they are a challenge. Weimaraners can also be protective. They look a bit intimidating due to their size and will only bark if necessary. They are proud of their territory. This breed is generally very calm. But it will bark if it feels like it needs to alert you to danger, and it will stop at nothing to defend you and your family.

Weimaraners love the outdoors and love. Titan had excited bursts of energy when we had free time. He was running around the yard at full speed doing his own laps!

This breed is very loyal to its human family pack. They get so excited to see you after school and after work every day! They often yell or howl with excitement and joy, and settle into your lap while you study, read, or watch TV.

This breed needs constant human contact and cannot be left alone for several hours at a time. Long hours alone lead to separation anxiety in this breed. They also benefit from planned time off, take him for a run before work or a nice long walk, so he can relax while you’re gone. A suppressed Weimaraner will destroy your furniture and be very anxious. Weimaraners need daily stress relief through exercise.

A family with teenagers is perfect because everyone can take turns walking and exercising the dog. Weimaraners love all sports and having your dog play soccer with you or joining you for a jog or bike ride are all things they love! A family with older children is also likely to have more staggered times for leaving in the morning and returning in the afternoon and evening, allowing only a few hours where the Weimaraner would be alone at any given time.

Weimaraners bring joy

Weimaraners bring joy to all families that are willing to have them. They are a diverse dog that you can take hunting and camping, get them involved in dog sports like agility or tracking, or make your own neighborhood obstacle courses. They require a lot of physical activity but also a lot of brain games! This breed is willing to please but will also make you work for them because they are very fast learners and spoiled brats! They remain loyal and protective of their territory and family.

They have few grooming needs and are hypoallergenic. Their shedding is light and less obvious due to their light fur.

They do have some health issues that can affect them more often than other breeds, however they can also have a good quality of life despite chronic illness.

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