Weekly Review: Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash

When everyone woke up, they were in a dark room. Waking up… the sound of a voice saying this word is all they remember. They are here now, in the world of Grimgar. The fairly large group of people is set in a sort of medieval era. They round them up and tell them that the way to make money is to join the Reserve Armed Forces and kill monsters. They have to kill monsters to earn money. Your articles do a good trade in the market.

Groups soon form and, of course, there are always the rejected ones. These rejected ones came together, because alone their survival would be impossible. In order to become a successful group, they must choose a guild and be precise in their craft. The group consists of: Haruhiro the thief, Yume the hunter, Shihoru the magician, Ranta the dark knight, Moguzo the warrior, and Manato the priest.

They soon discover that hunting monsters, even something as simple as a lone goblin, is difficult. They try again and again, but are unsuccessful. It takes them a while to learn how to work together and what it means to take the life of another living being. Eventually, they do, and it’s not a happy affair. Manato is soon recognized as the leader of the group. He plans strategies, shouts orders and finds all the information he can about the easiest hunting grounds.

The once shunned group soon become friends and grow closer after their daily adventures. Haruhiro, the main perspective of the story, always idolized Manato. He would always find him doing whatever he could to get more information or make things easier for the rest of the group. In reality, Manato was doing the work of at least three people. He was the leader of the group, or strategist, the healer of it, and he would also fight.

They got good at hunting goblins. They began to build more and more trust. They even began to take on two or three at a time, moving up to even four. Confidence is key in a battle, but it can also blind you during that critical second. Unfortunately, happy times in the world of Grimgar don’t last long when every day is a fight for your life.

They were ambushed by a group of goblins while their guard was down. Haruhiro manages to jump in front of the first arrow, no doubt saving Manato’s life. He is hit once more when he is on the ground. Thanks to Manato’s map making skills and his healing magic, it seems that the group escapes the ambush. It is not until they reach the forest, safely, that Haruhiro realizes that something is wrong with Manato. He had been shot in the back.

Manato falls to the ground, because of the magic of healing his friends, he can’t heal himself. There is nothing they can do. This is the world of Grimgar.


I would definitely recommend that you watch this anime! It’s still in its first season and it’s still rolling out (I’m keeping up with the series and it’s up to episode 9). The story, the drama, the fighting, everything is addictive to watch as you cannot foresee what will happen next. This is a different version of what the world of an RPG would be like. There are happy moments, but above all there are sad moments, even terrifying ones. The world of Grimgar is a horrible place.

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