The Dreaded Hunchback – How To Fix That Protruding Upper Back Area And Looks Funny!

How is this dreaded “hunchback” formed? This condition is actually due to poor posture of the neck and upper back. What happens is that the upper back begins to move up and back. So that “hunch” is actually bone.

This phenomenon occurs because the neck column moves forward. They call this forward head posture or forward head carriage.

The entire spine works together. When one section shifts or becomes misaligned, it causes problems elsewhere. So, as the neck spine shifts forward and loses its normal alignment and curve, the upper back spine begins to push up and back, increasing its curve.

What’s wrong if you have a slight “slouch” in your upper back? First of all, it doesn’t look good and it will get worse, it will look worse. But more important; if you have it, you know for a fact that your neck and upper back are out of alignment. This is extremely important because research shows that any misalignment of the spine eventually puts pressure on the nerves. Any pressure on the nerves means that the body is not working at its best. Not only does this predispose you to neck pain, back pain, and headaches, but it can cause something even worse.

So how do you correct this protruding “bone”? Answer: We simply need to correct posture and spinal alignment. With this particular problem, the best way is with a good neck pillow and neck traction device.

A good neck pillow is one that provides adequate support for your neck when you sleep. The Cervical Linear Traction Neck Pillow supports your neck while improving alignment.

A true neck traction motto will help bring your head and neck back and improve your neck curve even more quickly.

Restoring the normal curvature of the neck and improving forward head posture will restore posture and alignment to the upper back. The upper part of the spine that was sticking out or “hunching” up and back will move back and forth.

This neck pillow and neck traction motto will not only correct that ugly “hump” but will prevent it from ever happening in the first place!

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