Review of the book “My beloved world”

Sonia Sotomayor’s memoir in “My Beloved World” was a refreshing reminder that character is a building block of success.

Sonia’s parents were from Puerto Rico, where they had very humble beginnings on each side of the family. This appreciation shaped Sonia’s character from a very young age. Although she was naturally smart and determined, it was her character that got her to where she is today. She suspects that God has also had her hand in her life.

Sonia had juvenile diabetes and had been giving herself insulin injections since she was eight years old. She attended parochial schools where her mother worked long hours to pay, while she raised her children as a widow and lived in the projects. Sonia’s father had been an alcoholic and died when she was in elementary school.

Sonia had a marriage for a few years that ended in divorce. She never remarried or had children.

Although discrimination could be a part of life, Sonia never let it get to her. She focused on her education and earned a college degree, law school, and became a district attorney, judge, and United States Supreme Court Justice.

I have never paid much attention to or understood politics and the news. I don’t know your position on various issues. I can tell from her memoir that she appears to be cool, calm, and collected under pressure, which is a trait we could all improve on. Even being discriminated against or insulted by a prejudiced person, she has been a better person by not returning those words. Instead, she uses wisdom to discern the right words to address the situation.

Without knowing her, from this memory, I respect the grace with which she has used herself in the course of her life. She is a role model for anyone willing to take the path of wisdom, rather than madness. She learned to listen and choose her words wisely. Although she encountered the obstacles of discrimination, she caught the attention of people along the way who saw something in her.

You never know who is watching you. You can seek the pitfalls of material wealth and fame by cutting corners, or you can stand firm and focused, grateful for your blessings and work hard and stand up for something. Those looking for temporary gratification may get what they seek, without even considering that there may be something better out there. Those who appreciate and respect life may be pleasantly surprised when that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity presents itself, such as being appointed to the Supreme Court. Good for you Sonya. Well deserved.

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