How can endomorphs lose fat? – Tips and tricks for endomorphs

Life is sometimes very hard, some are luckier than others. When you’re an endomorph, you obviously want to know how endomorphs lose fat. Maybe some of your friends who eat a lot of food and get very little exercise can get away with it, but you certainly can’t. Such is life and you have to work much harder than others to lose fat, but it can be done.

How can endomorphs lose fat?

  • For endomorphs, a low-protein, medium- or low-carbohydrate diet is the best option. High-carbohydrate, low-fat diets are not very effective because endomorphs vary in degrees of carbohydrate sensitivity and insulin resistance. Refined and processed carbohydrates that contain white flour and sugar should be avoided, because they convert to body fat very quickly.
  • Exercise is very important for this body type. Even if you have a perfect diet, losing weight is still very difficult. Endomorphs need the boost to their metabolism that comes with exercise. You have to do everything in your power to speed up your metabolism. Combining good nutrition with aerobic exercise and weight training is crucial.
  • If you have friends with a very small endomorph component, you’ve probably noticed that they can stay slim with very little cardio. But typical endomorphs need a lot of cardio, doing cardio 4-5 times a week is a must. Some even need to do cardio seven times a week. So you really have to commit to exercising your whole life, if you stop doing cardio, your fat will come back very quickly.
  • Endomorphs generally tend to lay back and not move much. So keeping yourself in constant movement and being active all the time will go a long way in losing fat. A typical endomorph needs some kind of physical activity every day. Watch less TV, spend less time on the computer, and stay active.

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