Is a one-month dating anniversary worth celebrating?

Your friends may laugh when you tell them about your plans to celebrate the 1-month anniversary with your boyfriend, especially if you’re married. For them, dating anniversaries are a thing of the past. They may not be a big problem for them, but they are for you. This milestone shows that your friendship or casual dating relationship is turning into something a little more meaningful.

Anniversaries are a special time for obvious reasons, but how soon is too soon to recognize that your dating anniversary is something to celebrate? There is no prevailing answer. Some say that you shouldn’t celebrate for fear that you will scare your boyfriend or girlfriend for fear that you are moving too fast in the relationship.

Bloggers even comment to those asking for advice on 1 month dating anniversary gifts. It is not that common to see new couples celebrating their 1 month anniversaries, although it does happen. More commonly couples will observe their first year or even 6 month anniversaries.

Others say it’s okay to celebrate the milestone, even going so far as to recommend it. Every shared moment is cause for celebration, they say, because these celebrations can bring a couple closer and strengthen the relationship.

If you decide to celebrate this milestone in your blossoming relationship, everyone agrees, keep the gift simple and the occasion light. It’s not like you’re celebrating your first wedding anniversary, but sticking together in this disposable society is a commendable thing.

The folks at Giftypedia have some suggestions for gifts to exchange on multiple dating anniversaries, starting at 1 month. This early anniversary is a time for sentimentality and it should be a time for fun because you don’t want to risk becoming too serious too quickly. Keep it light and humorous. That’s why they suggest candy and sweets, baked goods, or dining at your favorite restaurant.

Three months, Giftypedia says, is still a new relationship but shows signs of becoming more serious, so choose a gift that shows you listen to your partner. Give your girlfriend a CD of her favorite singer or a book by your boyfriend’s favorite author.

Gifts given on your six-month anniversary should show your partner that you’ve paid attention to their likes and dislikes. Giftypedia suggests a trendy watch or thoughtful jewelry or even a fancy home-cooked meal. At the 1st birthday, gifts should be much more thoughtful, but should emphasize how much fun the couple is having, something like a scrapbook with pictures of the year the couple spent together or other keepsakes, like a ticket stub to a concert or a shell that he took on a trip. to the beach.

There is a lot of advice for people in a new relationship, but you have to figure out what is best for you and your partner. If your partner isn’t the romantic type, forget about celebrating milestones from the start, but do something special for the occasion if you’re dating a romantic. In the end, it is up to you and your partner to decide if and how to celebrate the relationship from the beginning.

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