I want my ex back but I don’t know what to do! This is how he should act with them

Breakups are normal between two people who believe that they no longer have anything in common or that their love is simply over. They are equally awkward even though the breakup was friendly and mutual. But you have to put yourself in order when you meet them.

Here are some tips you can use:

Behave well: Breakups are hard. There are a lot of bad feelings and you may be seeing things from the inside. But when you meet him/her in public, you must be civil. It is best to be cordial and ask for them when they meet you. You can not be mean and impolite. It would give them the feeling that leaving you was the best thing they ever did.

Looking good: It’s a rough patch you’re going through, but it doesn’t look like a disaster! Get a makeover if it helps you feel better. Look your best because you are still you and your past is behind you now. Looking your best will also make your ex wonder what they’ve lost.

Be casual and indifferent.:Never let him get the feeling that you still care, that you still hurt that they left you. She acts nonchalant, do your thing. Be happy and do things in the most normal way. Look and feel safe. You might meet someone new who really falls in love with that smile of yours.

cut it: As lovers, both were constantly together. But now that you’re leading separate lives, don’t talk to him all the time. If they do contact them, talk to them but keep it brief. Don’t let them know you need them. Be strong and confident. Let them feel the emptiness.

you are the best: Many unpleasant things may have been said. But it’s time for you to move on. You need a new direction in life. You have to keep saying and feeling that you are the best because that is the truth and you deserve so much better.

don’t be friends: People can rarely achieve this. There’s no point in being his friend. Being around them is enough to hurt you. So stay away.

do not give up:Okay, so you miss him. But never beg them to come back to you. It’s over and they don’t deserve you.

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