How to seduce your date with hypnosis: use mind control for seduction

In this article we are going to talk about how to seduce your date using hypnosis. Now it’s important to remember that the TYPE of hypnosis we’re referring to is NOT the kind where your date is sleeping—or unconscious of course! Rather, we’re talking about using the incredible power of suggestion and its blood brother, MIND control, to become irresistibly seductive and persuasive, even if you’re a little shy, nervous, or uncomfortable around the opposite sex. So keep reading as we explore and explain some of the fascinating philosophy behind the art and science of becoming MAGNETIC…and quickly! Keep reading… 🙂

Filed Under: Going Down the Labyrinth of Love and Lust

The founder of what has become conversational hypnosis (as well as NLP and other cognitive psychology) believed that EACH of us has a rich and complicated INTERNAL dialogue that is much more instructive in our daily decisions than our consciousness. Milton Errickson taught that this dialogue is DEEPLY rooted in both fears and phobias, as well as hopes and dreams that we all CONSTANTLY process beneath the surface layer of everyday thought.

To HYPNOTIZE your date (ethically and conversationally of course) all you need to do is enter that sacred and sexy space of the mind where TRUE desires live. The power of positive suggestion, for example, is VERY effective at “tricking” the mind into visualizing the type of result you want to implant. Creating an ATMOSPHERE of adventure in another person’s mind is very easy to do using conversation cues that are designed to “trick” the mind into thinking ONLY yes or no answers, and then PRIORITIZE those answers accordingly. For example:

“Do you want to stop by my house when the bar closes?” is a WEAK example of persuasion.

“I have a large collection of red and white wines in my apartment. What kind of wine do you like?” is a more POWERFUL suggestion, as according to the language model of conversational hypnosis, the mind is ALWAYS looking for positive correlations and affirmative responses, and then draws powerful correlations once the expectation is met. So, EVEN if your date is thinking… “I’m just not interested”… a series of POWERFUL internal correlations in the YES, create an atmosphere of AFFINITY, and this natural progression will ULTIMATELY force the INTERNAL voice to associate logic to the choice of the path that most forcefully forces you to move forward.

A VERY basic model of this approach is often used in sales techniques, ie “what time is best for you if I come by, 1 or 3?” But when it comes to dating… and becoming POWERFUL and hypnotically magnetic, because EMOTIONAL expectations are involved, mostly on a subliminal level… these triggers become infinitely more effective in times of rapid change!

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