Enhance attraction, chemistry and sparkle on your dates!

You CAN control the level of attraction and chemistry created in your dates and interactions with the opposite sex, at least to some degree. There are numerous factors and components involved in the creation of the attraction (as well as its destruction), so it is very smart to understand how it works and what those critical components are, so that you can control the things that are in your control and maximize the level of attraction and connection that is created in any given situation. And the thing is, physical appearances actually have very little to do with attraction and chemistry.

Right now, but I’m going to share with you 5 tips on how to control just one of those components of attraction, which happens to be one of the most powerful: the atmosphere and setting of your interaction/date. There are several key components of atmosphere that are in play, whether you realize it or not, that powerfully influence your attraction and “chemistry” that you have with someone, either positively or negatively. And the good news is that these 5 factors are things YOU have control over! So why not make them work for you?

1. The Atmosphere and the Environment:

Set the Atmosphere and Setting, or “Vibe” to Your Favor: If you have control over the setting and atmosphere in which you will meet someone for the first time… DO IT and be strategic about it! 5 things you can do to set or control your environment to create the most attraction are:

* Dark, dimly lit places and rooms with candles.

* Places with “sexy” colors, decoration and lighting – Like reds, hot pinks and fuchsias, electric blues. (See photos below for examples!) There’s a reason there’s so much hooking at those fancy clubs in Las Vegas. Well I guess there are multiple reasons.

* Alcohol on the premises. Now hear me out before there’s a fuss, I’m not suggesting you become exuberant or jump back on the bandwagon (or is it “off the bandwagon”? RE: Seinfeld episode) if you’re a recovered alcoholic, but I’ll call I will say that, in moderation, alcohol generally helps increase your odds by relaxing and calming pre-date nerves, creating more fluid (and therefore less awkward) conversations, and speeding up the conversation. bonding. Drink responsibly.

* Opt for unique and lesser known places with holes in the wall instead of generic chain restaurants. Doing some research and taking her (or him) to a lesser-known place they’ve never been is worth it, as it adds to the excitement for them and the wow factor of going somewhere they’ve never been before. Just make sure YOU have looked into it properly beforehand.

* Sit close to each other and at right angles instead of sitting directly across from each other, if you can control it. Studies have shown that sitting in kitty’s corner creates more attraction than sitting directly across from each other, and also allows for more intimacy. Also, if your waiter takes you to a table that looks like it belongs on King Arther’s platform, try to veto it and ask if they have something smaller available so you don’t have to yell to pass the salt.

* Background music: play soft music in the background, or go to a place that does, instead of being in an atmosphere that is completely silent. On the other hand, the music should not be so loud that they have to yell at each other; that’s not good either.

So, in summary, boys and girls… avoid the popular chain restaurants open and bright with overhead lighting, no alcohol, and kids running around… Unique, dark, cozy restaurants with candlelight, privacy, and flowing jugs of wine – WELL!

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