A brief history of cabinets and radiator covers

At the beginning of the 19th century, public interest in matters of hygiene and personal comfort grew, and as a result, there was a sharp decline in disease. This interest was found with the development of many domestic household luxuries such as central heating, potable water, piped gas, and a network of cast iron underground sewers. The demand for these new luxuries increased and with the advent of the industrial revolution, the standard of living across the UK improved dramatically. Mass production made many of these luxuries more affordable and simple cast iron radiators made central heating available to many homes.

Wealthy people with large country houses began to have elaborate and specially designed radiators to match their elegant interiors. Some of these radiators were extremely decorative and included special heating chambers for dishes and bedding, and some had boxes built around them with ornamental grilles that provided a decorative radiator cover. These were the first examples of today’s radiator covers and radiator cabinets that are now manufactured by specialist companies and seen in homes around the world.

A good radiator cabinet company will provide a “made to order” service – they’ll visit your home, measure the radiators you want to cover, and then make the cabinet just for you, in the style and color of your choice. Radiator covers can now be supplied in fixed sizes as flat packs or already assembled. Some manufacturers supply adjustable radiator covers that can be resized to fit your radiators. Most radiator covers are painted in a variety of colors that can be specified when you order – or you can order them unpainted, then paint them yourself in colors that you know will match your room décor. radiator cabinets finished with real wood veneer and some are now supplied with a frosted glass front panel.

The louvers on the front and sides can be decorated in a variety of patterns, making the radiator cabinet an attractive feature in any room, while providing a valuable protective function, especially if there are young children or adults! older around! The front panel can usually be removed to allow access to the thermostat controls.

In addition to providing decorative and protective features, radiator cabinets also draw in cool air at the bottom and then direct the heat flow into the room, rather than allowing the heat to drain through the wall or behind the curtains.

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