Why should you rotate your tires

The tires spin all the time as they go down the road. But that’s not what it means to “rotate” them. Turning the tires means moving them from wheel to wheel and from left to right or back to front, or even diagonally.

Why rotate? Because they tend to wear unevenly. Fronts tend to wear on the outer edges because the tire leans when you turn a corner. The rears just follow the fronts, so they generally wear out more evenly. If you leave the tires in place, the outer edges of the front tires will wear out much faster than the rest. You will have to replace them thousands of miles sooner.

Misalignment or unbalanced tires can also cause uneven wear.

Swivel tires prevent uneven wear. That will make your ride smoother and safer. And it extends the life of your tires, saving you time and money in the long run.

There are 3 key things that should happen during a tire rotation:

Each wheel is removed from your car or truck and moved to a different position.

Air pressure should be checked and adjusted as necessary.

Brakes should be checked while they are off and are easy to see and reach.

Rotating your vehicle’s tires, periodically changing their position on the vehicle from front to back and / or side to side, provides benefits. Rotating the tires can preserve balanced handling and help maintain traction. This is especially important when the roads are slippery from rain or snow.

Haynes recommends rotating the tires every 3,000 to 5,000 miles. The industry standard is usually between 5,000 and 6,000 miles. “For equal wear, rotation should be done at every oil change,” says Waits.

How much? Anywhere from $ 25.00 to $ 50.00 depending on the store. In general, dealerships are a bit higher than independent stores. Tire specialty stores will often rotate your tires for free if you bought them from them. (It is a courtesy offered in the hope that you will come back to them when you need new tires.)

AZ Import Garage recommends that you inspect your tires from side to side from time to time to check for uneven tread wear and to get a good idea of ​​how the fronts wear differently than the rear tires. For more auto repair tips, contact AZ Import Garage at http://www.azimportgarage.com

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