Using Reiki to Release and Heal the Past

We all carry emotional and sometimes physical baggage from the past.
We keep a record of everything that has ever happened to us in our body and in our aura. This affects our reactions and sometimes our behaviors as we go through our lives, whether consciously or unconsciously. It influences our present and our daily interaction with others, as well as our connection with our Reiki.

Let me explain. If we have experienced a lot of anger in our lives, from parents, siblings, or teachers at school, we can absorb a lot of that fiery energy. If we are not shown how to release it in a healthy way, then it can start to affect our behavior. For example. I would have been a pretty angry person growing up.

You wouldn’t have thought of me as I was always smiling and happy, but I remember looking at my parents when I was little and seeing my father’s body practically shake with anger. I learned as a child that you had to physically keep anger in your body and that the only way to get it out was to get angry and usually at someone else’s expense! Now I don’t blame my father for this, I love him very much and he did the best he could for me, but this was a belief that I adopted. The result was that as he got older, I held on to my anger, didn’t express it in a healthy way, and therefore occasionally “blew up,” and God loves anyone who gets in my way! It was not a pretty sight.

When I discovered Reiki, it really helped me start questioning the things in my life that weren’t working for me. He was aware that anger was a big problem for me and wanted to find a better way to deal with it. I started giving it to my dad because of how she behaved when I was a kid. That released a huge part of me, I was very angry at a man who was very angry! It was a typical vicious circle.

Actually, it didn’t take as long as I thought it would, I always knew that he did his best, that he loves me, and that his anger probably came from his own parents. Passed down from generation to generation until someone decided to change the DNA.

I also began to do the following exercise, sending Reiki to any past angry situations and to the source of my anger. I now vocalize what I need to say in an empowering way instead of waiting until I “explode.” It’s so much healthier for me and those around me!

So what would be the negative emotion that would most resonate with you? Is it guilt, shame, rejection, loneliness, fear, or something else?

The first law of thermodynamics states that;

“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”

From positive to negative or negative to positive… the choice is up to you.

Using the exercise below, you can do this. You can send Reiki back to the source (even if you don’t know what that is) or to the past when you felt those emotions.

Ideally, try to do it once a week, as much as you can, because the more you do it (as with anything), the better you’ll feel. When an energy blockage is released, it must be filled with something else. Reiki fills that void with peace and love so that you can move into the future with a more positive outlook and an empowering outlook. It literally frees you from the past.

Also, take a look and see if there is anyone you need to forgive as part of this.

Remember that forgiveness is not tolerating a behavior, it is not saying “it’s okay”, but it allows you to release those negative emotions from your body, mind and spirit so that you are freer to live your life in happiness and peace.

“The unwillingness to forgive is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”
james ray

If there is someone you need to forgive, there are several things you can do:

1) Write them a letter, telling them everything that is on your mind. Let your emotions out and get everything off your chest. When you’re done, burn it.

Keep doing this until you feel like there is nothing left.

2) Send them Reiki, you could also call on their angels as you do this, have a quiet conversation and then send them love, light and blessings to replace the unforgiveness that was just released.

Sometimes it will take a few “forgiveness sessions” to fully set someone free. If you find this very difficult to do, it may be worth asking yourself if there is a reason why you are not forgiving this person. If so, it might be worth working with your Reiki practitioner or complementary therapist to get you to a place where he can do it.

Exercise to release the past:

1. Sit comfortably in your chair, with your legs uncrossed and flat on the floor.
2. Protect yourself and ground yourself.
3. Draw the power symbol – Cho Ku Ray and the long distance symbol –

Hon Sha Za Sho Nen in front of you. If you are level 1 then continue

to the next step (don’t worry, this exercise will work just as well)
4. Imagine all the previous bad karma in front of you like a big slimy ball,

or a tank full of crap, you name it.
5. Send Reiki to this and allow the Reiki to begin to break it down. imagine in

your mind that is being negativized and transmuted.
6. Continue for 10 minutes. Make a mental note of any images that come up

To the mind.
7. Go through the Closure to seal visualizing the Infinity Symbol

about the “garbage”.

Then for the rest of the day live Gratitude and Joy, live the Reiki Principles.

Just for today I will live the attitude of Gratitude
Just for today I won’t worry
Just for today, I won’t get mad
Just for today, I’ll do my job honestly.
Just for today, I will show love and respect to all living things.
In love, light and laughter!


Ellie has a free monthly newsletter that you can subscribe to, packed with simple yet powerful tips that can help you strengthen your connection to Reiki and use it in your daily life. To subscribe, she logs on to her website at

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