Toys for Cocker Spaniels

Dog toys come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The right toys will test your dog’s intelligence; helps with teething and foot coordination. They also provide a great training tool if you have chews on your hands. Dogs get bored doing the same thing over and over again, so a variety of challenging toys are recommended.

Understanding your dog and his needs will help you choose the right toys. For example, a cocker spaniel has hunting instincts. Their natural instincts will tell you that they love to hunt, shoot, and retrieve games. This tells me that the dog is very energetic, intelligent, and needs to keep busy. So if you take this into account when choosing toys, you are on the right track. Of course, some toys will be for indoor play and some will be for outdoor play. Let’s look at the benefits of rubber toys for a second,

Benefits of toys

  • Reduces the need to chew Helps keep teeth nice and clean
  • Helps maintain healthy gums.
  • Provides exercise
  • Provides focus
  • Helps maintain dog alertness
  • The dog stays busy and entertained for hours.

These are just a few, I’m sure you could think of a few more. The point is that the benefits of the toys will far outweigh the cost. In my area, if I have to bring a dog to have its teeth cleaned, I see a bill of around $ 60.00 US dollars. A toy to help keep my dog’s teeth clean costs around $ 7.00 and is also much more dog friendly. Below is a list of toys that will challenge your pup and provide health benefits. You can find these popular toys by visiting your local pet store or doing an internet search. For the most part, they are inexpensive.

Toy Suggestions

Kong Jump ‘Jack – Ideal for Cocker Spaniels who like to chew. This dog toy that will clean your puppy’s teeth and exercise the gums at the same time. Because it has an unpredictable bounce, it will entertain your pup for hours. It has plenty of surface space for cleaning dogs ‘teeth and indentations that are useful for exercising dogs’ gums. They come in three different sizes, small, medium, and large. Medium is recommended for Cocker Spaniels.

Squirrel type – (Also known as Busy Buddy Squirrel Dude). This toy is durable, unique and innovative. Fill the hole with treats and you will challenge the dog to be more assertive when trying to taste and reach for the treats. It is very durable and will keep your Cocker Spaniel busy for hours.

Ball Stomp’r – Throw and throw the ball. This ball launcher will provide fun for young and old alike. Just put an old tennis ball inside and step on the launcher to eject the ball. A ball is included with the toy, but a tennis ball is a much better substitute. In smaller units, the ball is thrown about sixty feet, while the largest unit can reach up to 100 feet. Play with your dog and watch him focus, chase and retrieve the ball. Great toy for searching outdoors. Excellent way to exercise your Cocker Spaniel.

Cuddly Puppies Baby Dinosaur Egg – This toy helps develop intelligence. Inside its secret opening it has three eggs that make a screeching sound. This will force the dog to test his instincts to discover hidden rewards.

The toys that you can interact with are always the best as they allow you to continually bond with your pet. Have fun choosing toys. Keep your Cocker Spaniel busy and well-exercised and it will help him avoid misbehavior problems.

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