Ticks – Become aware of the dangers for your pet

In recent years, pet owners have been made aware of the increased risk that their beloved pets may be exposed to the dangers associated with ticks. I’m sure most of us are aware that ticks are responsible for the spread of various diseases; however, what you may not yet know is that the number of ticks in our surrounding environments has been on the rise. Therefore, your pets are more and more likely to be infected with a tick.

There are several contributing factors that have contributed to the sudden increase in tick reproduction. Ticks were previously considered a seasonal pest; therefore, associated diseases spread mainly during the summer months. However, due to a trend in warmer climates, ticks have been found to breed throughout the year in many areas. Additionally, the continued urbanization of our forests has put our pets at increased risk of tick infestation. Additionally, more pet owners are spending more time with their pets outdoors in high-traffic areas, which helps their exposure to ticks.

Ticks can transmit several life-threatening diseases, including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and canine ehrliciosis. Additionally, relapsing fever, canine hemobartonella, babesia, hepatozoonosis, and tularemia are diseases that are less commonly transmitted, but can nonetheless be detrimental to the health of your pets.

What is a tick and how can it infect my pet?

Ticks are parasitic arthropods that feed on the blood of their hosts and are responsible for transmitting many diseases in dogs. Ticks lay eggs, the larvae hatch from these eggs, at which point they immediately begin to search for a “host” – your pet. Once a tick has attached itself to its host by placing its mouthparts on your pet’s skin, it will begin to feed on your pet’s blood supply. Once attached to your pet’s skin, they will not be released until their meal is complete, which can take anywhere from several hours to several days, depending on the type of tick. On dogs, ticks usually stick to areas where there is less hair or in crevices. This typically includes the areas around the ears, the insides of the legs, between the toes, and within skin folds.

Most ticks go through four life stages: eggs, larvae, nymphs, and adults. All stages beyond the eggs will attach to a host and must begin feeding in order to mature. Depending on the species, a tick’s lifespan can be from several months to years, and adult females can lay hundreds to thousands of eggs at a time. There are four types of ticks that are most commonly found in North America: these are deer ticks, brown dog ticks, lone star ticks, and American dog ticks.

Symptoms of most tick-borne illnesses include fever and lethargy, although some can also cause weakness, joint swelling, and/or anemia. Signs that your pet may have been infected by a tick may take several days, weeks, or even months to appear.

When looking for ticks on your pet, you should run your hands over his body, paying close attention to ears, neck, skin folds, and other crevices. Since there are different species and stages of ticks, a tick can be as small as the tip of a pencil or as large as a nickel if swollen. If you live in a wooded area, it is recommended that you check your pet for ticks daily.

If you find that your pet has an embedded tick, be sure to remove it immediately. Use a pair of tweezers or a specially designed tick removal tool to grab the tick at the attachment point. This should be done as close to the skin as possible. Pull the tick out of the skin slowly, without twisting or turning it. Once you’ve removed the tick from your pet, you’ll need to dispose of it (some prefer to flush the tick down the toilet). Another suggestion is to contain the tick in an airtight jar or container, if your pet shows signs that it may be infected, having the tick will help your veterinarian diagnose your pet’s condition.


The best way to protect your dog from the dangers of ticks is to prevent them from attaching to your dog in the first place. Routine checks for ticks should be done on your dog. You can also reduce the number of ticks in your yard by keeping your lawn mowed and plants trimmed. Also, treating your garden and outdoor surroundings with pesticides can be helpful; however, it is extremely important that you purchase a substance that is safe for pets.

Also, talk to your veterinarian about the best topical application for your pet’s lifestyle; however, keep in mind that not all products will work the same, so be patient in finding the right treatment for your pet. With the right knowledge, you can help defeat the dreaded tick and protect your pet and family from the dangers of tick-borne diseases.

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