The Power of Choice: Success Starts Now

So you can start living the life you want, get in the habit of planning your day the night before, but always leave room for the unexpected.

Plan tomorrow tonight. That is the first step of the power of choice.

Daily planning and organizing your days are critical to building a successful life.

Some results may seem slow at first, perhaps even unrecognizable to you, but rest assured that as you continue to take action, the success you have a burning desire for will be yours.

On your great expedition to success, you will come across some things that you will enjoy, some that you will find fun, interesting, or entertaining. That is part of the learning process towards success.

However, there will be some things you won’t enjoy or even want to do; your inner voice, the voice that fears change and progress, will try to stop you. You will have to be stronger than that: thank your inner voice and keep trying.

Jim Rohn, a well-respected motivational speaker, once said, “You can’t hire someone else to do push-ups for you.” You’re going to have to.

It’s totally up to you now! Just do it, commit to your present and future. You owe it to yourself to do, be, have, and become anything you want.

“The obstacles you face are mental barriers that can be broken down by taking a more positive approach.” clarence blasier

What is the power of choice?

How can you live the life that can exceed your expectations? Is it by choice? Can you choose to live the life you want and live it?


How do you want your world to be?

Imagine it. Imagine it. Dream it. Napoleon Hill’s famous quote says: What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.

If you can conceive of your dream, and if you believe in your dream and believe in your ability to achieve that dream, it’s as if you’ve done it.

You can have it all if you really want.

The question is: do you want it?

How bad do you want it?

Are you ready to do whatever it takes to have it?

It is your choice and yours alone.

The Power of Choice: The choices you make will determine the life you live.

Every action has a result. Every choice has its consequences.

Look around; everything you see, everything in your life right now is the result of the choices you have made in the past and the choices you are currently making.

You always have a choice, whether you want it or not.

In the end it’s up to you.

You are responsible for yourself. You are fully responsible for everything you create in your life, and that responsibility is reflected in the choices you make.

Can you see what the power of choice can do in your life?

Life can be a wonderful opportunity, full of joy, happiness, wealth and fulfillment, full of success in every area of ​​your life; from your business or career, to your relationships, to your health, to your wealth, only if you choose.

Once again, we close the circle; back to the choices you make.

You always have a choice.

You can choose to stay safe within your comfort zone and keep your life the same as it is now, or you can choose to venture out and participate in life, your life, and make it better.

Your choice.

You can choose the power of choice as the easy way out and stay where you are, or you can choose to step up and enjoy what life has to offer.

You are not reading this article because you are happy with the way your life is going, you are reading it because you want a better life, but you don’t know how to get it.

“To live is to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there.” -Kofi Annan

Your success starts now.

You have made the decision that enough is enough.

It’s time to move on and make a real and effective effort to live your life by choice, by design, exactly the way you want. Now you can live your successful life the way you want it to be.

Take action now so you can live the life of your dreams

And since we’re talking about the power of choice, choose not to let your past dictate your future; what’s gone is gone.

Acknowledge it, learn from it and leave it behind. Move on. Don’t stop at that.

If you spill a drink at a bar, clean up the spill or have it cleaned up, learn not to nudge your drink and move on. Lesson learned. Leave the past behind.

Suppose you sit down now and write down a simple plan for your life; for the next three months. Once this is done, take a look at the plan and begin to see the opportunities as they unfold around you.

You may see people or resources that can start you on the path to success.

You’ll start seeing people who can support you in your endeavors, you’ll be in the right place at the right time, you may unexpectedly get that phone call that will take your business several steps up.

“If we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It is not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.” -Anthony Robbins

Your success has already begun. No more excuses!

Virtually all of your daily actions are the choices you make. If you choose to be a public speaker, the choices you make will be geared toward becoming a public speaker.

You choose to attend Toastmaster classes, you choose to buy products on the subject. You choose to assert yourself and visualize yourself as a public speaker.

Whether you choose to act or not to act to fulfill your intention, your goal, is a matter of choice, a decision you make.

An intention followed by a massive committed action can have the tremendous power to transform you and your life into something truly spectacular.

There are millions of people alive today who are living the life of their dreams. You decided to move forward in your life by setting intentions and using the power of choice by choosing to take consistent action to manifest them, one by one.

You too can be one of them, no matter how old or how old you are.

Success knows no race, creed or gender. He knows only inspired action, commitment, passion and persistence. You have the ability to create the life you want and also enrich the world in the process.

Today is your day.

Today you are going to arm yourself with courage to do what you want to do.

Starting today you will make that relentless choice, the unquenchable thirst to set intentions, the “I will never back down” decision to move forward in your life, to do whatever it takes to claim that success that is yours.

There is no turning back. Today is your day to win!

Success is an expression of your mind. It is a representation of your inner thoughts and beliefs. If you want to change your life, you must change your way of thinking and your beliefs.

The quality of your life reflects the quality of your thoughts.

“To change who you are, change who you think you are.” – Jonathan Lockwood Oil

Everything begins with an intention, a thought. It all starts in your mind. It all starts with knowing, accepting and understanding that there is another way. The direction you are heading can now be changed.

Success is a process that starts with your mind, setting a strong intention and following it with consistent massive action, determination and perseverance.

Successful people think about their goals most of the time. As a result, they are continually moving toward their goals and their goals are moving toward them.

Nobody is better than you and nobody is smarter than you.

All those who do well have once had a bad time. Your life only gets better when you intend to get better. And since there is no limit to how much better you can become, there is no limit to the improvement you can make in your life.

Make the power of choice an integral part of your everyday life.

Your choice, your decision to succeed is the turning point in your life.

If you consistently and persistently do the things that other successful people do, there is nothing in the world that can stop you from becoming a huge success yourself.

The power of choice can be a massive architect that will allow you to design your destiny, where you will be the master of your destiny.

Remember, it is not enough to know about things. You need to practice them, you need to take consistent action.

Do not live life passively, as a spectator.

There is little value to you in doing this.

Be open to experimentation.

Be open to living life through the power of choice. Make the decisions that will bring the success you want.

Is your success worth it? Choose it. Name it. Reclaim. And it can be yours. It’s yours.

“Beyond plants are animals, Beyond animals is man, Beyond man is the universe. The Great Light, Let the Great Light come in!” -John Toomer

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