The Balancing Act of Entrepreneurship

Having been self-employed since 1992, I have learned a lot about the balancing act that goes into running a business. Entrepreneurs have to make decisions about what is practical and what takes precedence. We have to prioritize and when we choose something, we have to be willing to make the sacrifices to make that new task happen. It doesn’t take long before new entrepreneurs discover that some activities are very time sensitive. Sometimes it feels like there is pressure and emotional pain and stress arise when we have to let something go to get what needs to be done.

We are constantly balancing business with what we want to accomplish in life events and household chores. We also have to train people to understand that they can’t just walk by because they know you’re home. We may have to do signs and post office hours to drive the dot home.

I have learned that just because there are options and opportunities that others have been successful with does not mean that they are the right choice for you right now. Location, skills, talents, budget, timing, and circle of influence all play a part in what works for the individual.

I had to learn to see opportunities differently. Instead of being stressed about all these things I have to do, I now look at them as future opportunities and write them to a file. When I go back to that file, I celebrate the fact that I have all these great options to keep track of when my calendar opens. Many business owners pay others a lot of money to find those opportunities. So instead of regretting having a “to do” list, look at it as a compilation of opportunities waiting for you.

Because we work from home, it is necessary to make time for housework, meal preparation, gardening, shopping, and all other life and family activities. Working from home can often mean that we are loading and running multiple machines while blogging. We could be preparing meals part of the day, doing housekeeping, tackling that to-do list, and also returning business-related calls and emails. We can bake bread while answering questions in an interview or water the lawn while writing an article. Those of us who are self-employed learn to multitask, that’s for sure.

At the same time, we must learn to say “No” when it comes to all the things that your family or friends think you should have time for. With family, this often means that we must learn to delegate what needs to be done.

Home business owners should also have an “off” button. We have to be willing to schedule time to recharge those energy batteries and refill that happiness bucket so that when we get back to that to-do list, we do it efficiently, with energy, enthusiasm, and fewer mistakes.

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