Sun in Libra Astrology: An astrologer interprets the ups and downs of peace-loving Libras

As an astrologer, I have had the opportunity to listen to the life stories of many Libras and found that when you have your Sun in Libra, your identity will be tied to looking good, being fair, and having a just and peaceful world around you. . This does not mean that you will have it, just that it will be a theme in your life, you will be wired to notice when the circumstances around you are not fair, they are not peaceful and you will be pushed, willing or not, to find balance when there is not. . The astrology behind the Libra identity reveals much more.

Many times these concerns are not thought of as being on a subconscious level, living below the surface of everyday existence. A woman who has her sun in Libra realized that beauty was important in some people’s eyes from an early age. She will either accept that looking good will be helpful or she will be frustrated by the unfairness that pretty people seem to be easier to do or are more admired than ordinary ones. It’s not that other people don’t realize this; it is a problem and a concern in our society is that Libra individuals are in tune with it in a deeper way.

Libras have been emotionally taught at a young age that someone was prettier, or that they were attractive, or that attractive people would go further and have a better time in life. Of course, this is not universally true, it may be true for some, but for others they will have another belief system that they work within, such as the “dumb blonde” belief. Or that looks don’t last forever, personality and charm will get you what you want.” Or “there may be people who are attractive and have a lot of people who like them, but being an intellectual genius is where it’s at and those people have nothing on me”

One of the challenges of being a Libra will be recognizing how you operate in the world, and whether or not you’re compromising who you really are or what you really want in order not to want others to dislike you. Many times as a child, the Libra person was told to “be nice”, not to make a fuss and was manipulated by another person with a strong personality who molded the Libra child to make another person happy, doing what he wanted, to not to disturb the adult. Thus, the adult Libra may find themselves saying I want to do what you want, not because they don’t have an opinion, but because of long-standing programming that was taught to them when they claimed anger was there or love was away.

The Libra Sun is here to share the joy that kindness and peace bring. However, the lesson for Libra is to be able to stand up for what he wants, even if it creates discord, and ultimately make sure to create his world where there is harmony and peace around him. It is time to have around you on a day-to-day basis people who value equity and harmony. Disconnect from people or circumstances in which you feel manipulated or controlled through emotional blackmail. Read more about astrology or ask your astrologer for other ideas about your chart.

This is just the beginning of understanding Libra’s quest and path, but understanding these hidden messages you’ve been taught will set you free to be happy and healthy.

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