Road to weight loss (Part 5 of 6 weeks)

This is day 36 of our 6 week weight loss journey. Last week we focused on not getting inundated with the abundance of health information available. Recommendations focused on research indicating that willpower gains from healthy living practices increase confident IQ and, in turn, more naturally increase inclinations for more targeted training and life data. healthy without feeling overwhelmed.

By now, you may be ready for more detailed information, such as the best cardio exercises for maximum weight loss, the best foods to stabilize blood sugar to enhance weight loss, and the most important strength training principles. effective for losing and maintaining weight continuously.

If you’re ready, we start today with the principles of strength training for beginners. If you need more time, continue to focus on the 5 Mental Connections and refer back to this article later when you feel compelled to go into more specific details. No hurry. Work at your own pace, but focus on what really matters by reviewing Parts 1-4 of The Road to Weight Loss. Keep eating less. Know that simple is good and don’t get distracted thinking that elaborate weight loss plans are more effective.

It’s never too late It’s never too late to gain strength. Our bones and muscles have an innate ability to respond to stimuli by growing in size, density, and strength. Studies show that stronger muscles not only burn more calories while performing actual strength exercises, they have a greater ability to burn more energy even while resting. Here’s how to get started smart.

Learn proper technique and keep the weight down. In the beginning stages of a weight training routine, give yourself 3-4 weeks to learn proper technique while keeping the weights light. Think of this process as setting the stage for smart, progressive gains in strength, muscle tone, and muscle density. Skipping these two factors, proper technique and light weight, in the early stages increases the occurrence of injuries, which is the number one reason people stop training. Don’t let this be you. Keep the weight light enough so you can practice good form without a problem. The temptation to increase the amount of weight looms, but keep in mind that it’s the tendons and ligaments of the body that really need sensible conditioning in these first few weeks, even if your muscles are saying “give me more.” Be patient. Be smart.

Hire a coach or not? If ever there was a time to hire a trainer, it’s in the first few weeks of a weight training routine. A personal trainer will show you which rate machines/weights to use, how to set them up, and what weight to start with. A top-notch coach trained in motivational interviewing can help you in the first few weeks to find a routine that’s right for you. It will involve questions about your lifestyle, how long you can commit to exercising, what type of job you have, past injuries, health status, motivation levels, reasons for starting a strength program, and other relevant information that is helpful to you. plan an individualized strategy. It pays to invest in a good trainer, as making sense of implementing a strength routine is paramount when you consider that most people don’t stick with a strength program for more than a few weeks.

Going alone? If you need to start a strength program on your own, most gyms have assistants who can show you how to use the machines. There should be no cost for them to show you how to set up each machine. If you’ve never strength trained before, and will be training on your own, ask the gym attendant to show you how to set up each piece of equipment or see the tips below for various starter exercises.

Leg press. Press through your heels and keep your head back. Your back should feel firm against the seat as you press down on the weight. Don’t lock your knees.

Latissimus dorsi pulls down. Keep your chest up the entire time and lean back slightly as you pull the bar in front of your upper chest. Don’t pull behind the neck.

Seated chest press. Keep your head back. Feet firmly planted with knees over ankles. Engage your chest muscles to press.

Seated shoulder press with dumbbells. Keep your back supported on an upright bench. With your palms facing in, press the bar with the bells facing up and slightly in front of your head. You can advance to a standing position, but keep your stomach stabilized. Be very careful with overhead shoulder presses, as this is an exercise where injuries most often occur due to the very mobile shoulder joint.

Bicep curl standing against the wall. Keep your knees slightly bent and stand against a wall for support. With dumbbells in each hand, flex your arm up through a full range of motion. Progress to not supported.

Rehearsals and decorations. Practice 15 repetitions of each exercise in the order described above. Repeat the cycle one more time completing 2 sets. Practice slowly and deliberately and use a weight light enough that 15 reps is not an effort.

How often. Practice this routine 2-4 times a week for the first three weeks, preferably with a day or two off in between. Increase the weights by no more than 15% each week. Remember, your goal in the first few weeks is to practice good form and allow your tendons and ligaments to adjust to the increased workload ahead.

When you leave the gym you should feel like you could easily have continued to exercise more. Don’t be tempted to increase your weights, reps, or sets. This is a mistake that will ultimately increase the likelihood that you will be afraid to hit the gym for your next session. We are not only training our bodies, we are also training our minds. It is a process of adjustment. By sticking to the process, you’ll increase the likelihood of making strength training a lifelong habit that not only speeds up your metabolism, but gives you the freedom to continue doing what you want to do!

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