Recent studies show that inflammation leads to diabetes

When most experts talk about diabetes, they focus primarily on your blood sugar level. However, new research shows that inflammation plays an important role in diabetes. This article will point out the most important facts about inflammation and its role in the development of diabetes. Additionally, it will provide you with information on anti-inflammatory foods that could help you fight inflammation in your body.

Is our inflammatory response good for us?

The inflammatory response is the body’s most important defense mechanism. Our immune system plays a key role in this, and without it, we would not be able to survive as a species. All living organisms on Earth have some kind of immune system that helps them fight off the infectious germs that cover every cubic inch of the planet’s air and water.

“If it’s so important, why do I need to fight it?” You can ask…

Well, not all inflammatory responses are good for us.

Acute inflammation helps us fight infection (for example, the swelling, itching, and burning you feel when bitten by a mosquito is an inflammatory response). It is a “good inflammation”.

Chronic inflammation is what we want to combat. It is a prolonged process of low-grade inflammation that changes the hormonal profile of our body and damages body tissues.

Chronic inflammation is the process that cannot resolve itself (unlike acute inflammation) and tends to worsen over time. Chronic inflammation is commonly seen in people with access to body fat. This is also known as metabolic inflammation. People with autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and psoriasis, tend to have more chronic inflammation.

What connects diabetes and inflammation?

The whole process is quite complicated, but let’s put it in simple words.

How does insulin work in healthy individuals?

Insulin, the hormone responsible for blood sugar regulation, needs to bind to its exposed receptor on a target cell. Once the insulin molecule “grabs” its receptor, downstream signaling begins (a complex molecular cascade), the cell “opens” some of its transport channels, transferring sugar from the blood into the cells, thereby reducing the level of sugar in the blood.

What happens if there is chronic inflammation in the body?

Many studies show that inflammatory mediators (which are special signaling molecules that regulate the intensity of inflammation) interrupt subsequent insulin signaling so that blood sugar stays elevated for longer. This condition is known as “insulin resistance” and is “the first step towards diabetes.”[I]

What to eat to reduce the intensity of chronic inflammation in the body?

Foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids (can be found in flaxseeds, walnuts, walnut oil, fish oils, etc.) can actively heal inflammation by providing necessary nutrients that modulate the immune response.[ii] This is not the only benefit of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: people who consume enough of them have a lower risk of heart attacks and strokes[iii].

Additionally, blueberries, ginger, chia seeds, turmeric, wild-caught salmon, red bell peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, olive oil, black beans, spinach, and pineapple are just a small fraction of foods that are known to have anti-inflammatory properties. You should also increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in your diet to get the full benefits of fiber.

Keep in mind that when it comes to health, the secret is in balance. A good diet and physical activity plan will help you maintain and improve your health. Consistency is another secret to a long and healthy life. Eating healthy two days a week has the same effect on your health as eating healthy zero days a week. Be patient, stay consistent with healthy habits, and before you know it, you’ll notice a difference in the messages your body is sending you.

[I] Wellen, K. (2005). Inflammation, stress and diabetes. Journal of Clinical Research, 115(5), pp.1111-1119.

[ii] Kirwan, A., Lenighan, Y., O’Reilly, M., McGillicuddy, F., and Roche, H. (2017). Nutritional modulation of metabolic inflammation. Transactions of the Biochemical Society, p.BST20160465.

[iii] Gebauer, SK, Psota, TL, Harris, WS, & Kris-Etherton, PM (2006). Dietary recommendations for n-3 fatty acids and food sources to achieve essentiality and cardiovascular benefits. Am J Clin Nutr., 83: p1526-35.

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