Puppy food: doing the right things to achieve the best breed

Our puppies are fragile little things. Feeding them is not much different from the way we feed human babies. The greatest care must be taken to do so. Puppies are just as helpless as human babies. From birth to about six months, puppies require the best care, especially in terms of feeding. They required to be fed between four and six times a day. Puppies are supposed to eat four times the amount of food that an adult dog would eat. Their food is supposed to help their development and consequently their weight gain.

From birth to about eight weeks, the best food for puppies is the mother’s breast milk. Therefore, the puppy from birth to that time must not be weaned from the mother bitch. He needs mother’s milk for his sustenance. Breast milk contains the proper nutrients in dog food. It contains the right portion of minerals, vitamins and fats. Therefore, the puppy must be fed with mother’s milk just like the human baby. Breast milk with the nutrients and minerals it contains will enhance the puppy’s growth and development as well as weight gain.

The puppy’s food should also consist more of water. His diet should consist of 75% water and 25% real food. This is because the puppy’s teeth at birth are not really developed and therefore cannot eat the type of food that large breed dogs eat. They cannot eat tough meat. They can’t eat bones. They will only be able to eat food that does not harm their teeth. Correctly mashed foods specifically.

Puppies also require a lot of protein for their growth in weight and development. Unlike large breed dogs that react to eating too much protein, puppies require protein for growth. While large breed dogs suffer from joint pain as a result of excessive protein intake, the puppy requires protein for weight development. Therefore, the puppy should be fed with a lot of milk, pureed meat and chicken, carrots, etc.

Puppies also require food supplements to complement the puppy food they are being fed. Puppies should receive nutritional supplements of vitamins and minerals to stimulate their growth. Food supplements are essential ingredients for the growth of the puppy dog.

However, for puppy dog ​​food, homemade dog food seems to be the best. With it, you will know which is the best mix and which is the right mix. With the help of your veterinarian, you will be able to choose the best food that will suit your puppy best. Going the homemade dog food route seems to be the most effective. However, if you must go the canned food route for your pup, you will need to read the label properly. Make sure the dog food meets the specifications of the regulatory bodies.

Do you want the best dog food for your puppies? Visit:

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