My wife has left me – what did I do?

Why has your wife left? It must have been quite a dramatic thing to make a woman who seemed to truly love her husband leave without so much as a note.

How lonely does the house feel without a wife and children there? What did you do?

Were you too complacent and took her so much for granted that she couldn’t take it anymore? You probably can’t remember the last time you said I love you. Why are those three words so hard to say? That I will never know. Maybe your job has been stressing you out and you haven’t been able to think about anything else. What I do know is that she’s gone and you feel terrible. No dinner on the table and definitely no kids waiting to hug daddy at the door when you got home.

Married with children is not a reason to forget about each other. It is very easy to fall into a routine and not take special time to keep the passion and romance alive in a marriage. Some people have date night, which I think is great. A seven-day night where mom and dad drop the kids off with grandma and spend quality time together. You don’t need a lot of money to do this, it can be done at home with some romantic music and most importantly each other.

Many couples forget those first days of dating and lose sight of the reason why they wanted a life together with children.

Now that part of that reason has left the building, how will you get it back? A little time to cool down is always good, but I suggest you don’t leave him too long to make his move. A silence that is too long will be interpreted as indifference. His wife may take this as a sign to move on.

What your wife will want to see is a new you. If she can’t deliver, I suggest she go back to the drawing board and think about what drew her to you in the first place. I bet you were much more attentive then. However, it will take more than flowers and gifts to fix this problem.

Are you willing to move heaven and earth to get it back? It may not take that long, but you will have to let him know how special he is to you. You’ve obviously gotten so caught up in things that you forgot you had a living, breathing, loving wife, not to mention the mother of your children.

Start right now to change the way you think. You already know what your wife wants, you just forgot. Take that phone and start over.

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