My story about a bread maker

My sister really likes to bake bread. She likes to sift the flour, pour the ingredients and knead. She loves to play with the soft dough. She makes different shapes and takes photos of the interesting ones. Then she puts egg and sesame seeds in it and bakes. When the bread is done she takes it out of the oven and enjoys every bite. She brings some bread to school and shows it to her friends to impress them.

The only problem is that he doesn’t like to clean. She makes a big mess when he bakes and has to clean the table, counter, floor, dishes, and sometimes even the walls and ceiling. Since she hates doing that, she pushes him until the bread is done, instead of cleaning up while she bakes, and then she’s very tired. She cleans last just because she knows that if she doesn’t clean, my mom won’t let her bake next time.

One day my grandmother came to visit us just as my sister really wanted to make bread. My mother really didn’t want my grandmother to see all the mess she makes. My grandmother saw that my sister was sad and she asked her what was wrong with her. My grandmother had a great idea. She didn’t tell him what it was about, she just told him to wait for her birthday.

My sister’s birthday was two weeks after my grandmother flew home. In the middle of the birthday party my father arrived from the post office with a large box wrapped in a bright pink wrapper. My sister was very excited and she ran to open the gift that my grandmother sent her. Inside the package was a brand new, large Cuisinart CBK-200 Bread Maker.

My sister was very happy and my mother too. They decided to give it a try and with all my sister’s friends around her they made the first loaf of white bread. Everyone wanted to try the bread and it came out delicious. It was so easy and best of all my sister didn’t have to clean up afterwards.

At the end of the party, my sister ran to the store, got my grandmother the best card she could find, and wrote her a long thank you note.

Since that day we have been using the bread maker every morning. We enjoyed the delicious bread every breakfast.

Sometimes when my sister really wants to knead, she chooses the dough only mode, and when the dough is ready she takes it out and kneads it. When she’s done, she bakes it in the oven. This way, she can do everything she likes to do, she doesn’t make a lot of mess and she doesn’t have a lot to clean up.

Yesterday my grandmother came to visit us again and we made her a big loaf of freshly made French bread with the bread maker.

So if you have the same problem as my sister and you like to bake but hate to clean, you may want to consider buying a bread maker. Maybe it will help you too.

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