Mentoring and succession planning

Once, a young lawyer accused the older ones of not helping the younger ones during the meeting of legal luminaries. After the meeting, an elderly lawyer handed her his courtesy card and promised to help her.

He was in the elder statesman’s office the next day in the expectation of references and contacts, but instead the elder lawyer invited him to lunch and escorted him to a nearby restaurant. This ritual of eating lunch and walking was repeated every day for a whole week, at which point the young lawyer was disappointed and discouraged that he still hadn’t received any help, as far as he was concerned walking and eating was a waste of time. weather.

But to his surprise, the following week, he started receiving calls from new clients and things changed for him. Ninety-eight percent of new clients said they came to him because they heard he was close to the elderly lawyer. It was then that he realized the importance of the walk and lunch. When he called the old lawyer to discuss his findings, the old lawyer was not surprised, he just said, “I did that to give him influence and teach him the importance of mentorship.” If walking and having lunch with me for a week can give you this result, can you imagine where you would have been if you had worked for me for a while before starting out on your own?

The world is in dire need of mentors and role models.


A model to follow
A wise and trustworthy teacher, guide and friend.
An elderly, wise and informed monitor or adviser.
One who has been where you want to be

A mentor is not a torturer but a protector. Everyone needs to have mentors in different areas of life and they also need to be a mentor to others. For posterity, we need mentoring to raise successors.

Success without a successor is successful failure and family line succession will not be the best of the 21st century. See all the multinationals and corporations that have survived for decades and generations; and you will realize that the inheritance has passed the family line.

If what you’re building can’t outlast you, you’re just into a hobby. And if that’s the case, everything you build will die with you.

Succession Planning Mentoring

For the sake of posterity, he must go through a process that will help produce a successor.

1. Find people or groups you feel you can influence, trust, and deliver.

Jesus gathered his disciples. They were willing and went on.

Choose people who are willing and able.

2. Lead by example. Model for them what you want from them and what you expect them to know and do. As you do, they watch and learn because some things are caught and not taught.

3. Do things together with them. You choose them. You lead and they watch and now. You do it with them.

Involve them in a deeper dimension in the operation of the establishment and in decision-making.

4. Let them do things while you watch. The final step will be for you to delegate things to them and watch them do it. As they do so, you motivate, encourage, and guide them. Delegate talks. Delegate responsibilities. Delegate authority.

Do this while you’re still around and make sure they have the ability. Find a mentor. Be a mentor. plan for posterity. Let the flow continue for centuries.

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