Lunar Eclipse of Full Moon in Capricorn and Sun in Cancer (July 7, 2009)

A life of dichotomy

Astrology gives us a system to understand and make sense of the polarities of our dual existence. There is always an opposite of what we can perceive! Light to darkness, love to fear, expansion and contraction; you can find examples of this on all levels of physical creation.

When I look at a chart and how the planets are spread out on it, I always pay attention to the opposite sign because it holds the key to balance. Each zodiac wheel shows the point of unity potentiality in the center. In fact, we can take advantage of that point of transcendence of external issues indicated by the 12 signs around the center. We can achieve that by paying attention to the opposite sign. Each sign and its expression in our life will only be complete and balanced by having integrated the opposite qualities of the opposite sign.

The meaning of the full moon lunar eclipse and the sun of Capricorn in Cancer

When we look at the Sun and the Moon, we see two opposing forces.
The Sun represents our masculine expression, our conscious mind, the way we express ourselves through our actions, and our self-image and identity. We are aware of the Sun as a conscious force that gives life to all of us.

The Moon represents our feminine receptivity, our unconscious mind and might surprise us from time to time with emotions that arise and flood our experience out of nowhere, as it seems. Luna is our way of perceiving the world through our feelings and connects us with an enormous field of potentiality in the collective unconscious. In that way, the Moon is fueling our creativity and filling our well with delicious new thoughts and ideas.

But here we have another pair of opposing forces with Capricorn and Cancer. The Moon is the ruler of the sign of Cancer and is located in its opposite sign for this Full Moon. This will shake us up and stir the pot! For starters, new moons and full moons are often highly enhanced emotional impact points. It is very beneficial for our own conscious attunement to universal forces to keep an eye on the changing Moon throughout the month.

The lunar eclipse of Capricorn

During a lunar eclipse, the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon, blocking the light radiating from the Sun from being reflected by the Moon. There is a moment of interruption of the familiar flow of consciousness and, with it, the possibility of awakening from our normal, very patterned and habitual stream of thought and self-expression.

It has been said that a lunar eclipse brings out the dark side of the sign it is in and with it a time of adjustment and integration. That is true, but even more so this time, with the consciousness power of the Sun in the opposite sign Capricorn ruled by the Moon.

Let’s take a look at the two complementary signs we’re dealing with here!

Cancer: The Archetypal Mother (June 22-July 22) is ruled by the Moon. It is our most feminine water sign and teaches us receptivity by attracting with its magnetic force.

Cancer’s symbol is the crab, symbolizing Cancer’s strong association with water, the most feminine element. On planet Earth, water is the origin of all life, so Cancer is associated with giving life. The Cancer person is the consummate mother, always concerned about taking care of others, be they family, friends, or associates. Cancers must also recognize that they need to be taken care of in order to be emotionally balanced! They are more emotional than practical. Their creative side could lead them to careers in the arts, theater, and music.

The dark side of cancer

The dark side of Cancer is the unintegrated parts of Capricorn. If Cancer does not assume the self-responsibility and self-discipline of the opposing Capricorn and does not exercise true care for himself first and then for others, he will manifest as self-indulgent emotional immaturity, self-sacrifice and martyrdom.

The idea of ​​self-sacrifice in the hope of being seen and given a narcissistic reflex for it is really not working. It’s usually a very understandable but immature way of trying to control and get attention and love.

Everyone has an inner child and we have all been hurt to some degree in our growing up story. If it has never been dealt with, it will blow up in our faces at times like this. Repressed emotions will overflow the usual container, overwhelming our defenses and needing to be dealt with.

Water is extremely powerful and can erode mountains over time, change entire ocean coastlines, and cause a lot of damage with floods. But the force of the water is also creating and sustaining life; cleansing and healing.

Capricorn: The Conservative Pragmatist (Dec 22-Jan 20) is ruled by Saturn. He is an earth sign and although his gender is considered feminine, his acting qualities have been interpreted as fatherly and masculine.

Capricorn is the first sign in the last quarter of the annual cycle, representing this social stage. As people mature, they go from being self-centered to being more other-oriented. They begin to have a sense of their responsibility to society. Capricorns seek to be in visible positions of power and prestige in society. Their high degree of organization, discipline, ambition and intelligence make them perfect as leaders of organizations of all kinds, in government, business and the armed forces. Their conservative values ​​and black and white thinking can make them adamant about morality. They are hell-bent on success, holding high standards for themselves and others.

The dark side of Capricorn

The Dark Side of Capricorn is control, power, corruption, materialism, rigidity and inflexibility. We all have that side where we want to maintain the status quo because we are too afraid of what change brings. I have seen many people (including myself from time to time) prefer to hold on to a bad situation than risk the unknown. Have you ever been to that place? So we have the stars to thank when they push us over the edge and force us to let go and let God do the work!

More of the Dark Side of Capricorn with Pluto in it

The outer planets are especially good at doing that with their power to transform (Pluto), turn upside down (Uranus), and transcend problems with Neptunian ways of raising our consciousness to a higher state of mind.

We will see more of the dark side of Capricorn with Pluto in the near future. When he watches the news, he can see all the cracks and crevices running through the established power structures of our society and the economy it is based on. Nothing works like before and that’s good!

And a lot of us think, we haven’t signed up for this and we’d rather have the old ways…
While we don’t have many choices about the quality of time and the universal forces we are exposed to, we can choose how to deal with them according to our state of mind and consciousness!

Astrology is all about increasing your awareness of where you are in the big picture and therefore giving you options!

Enjoy this opportunity to walk the middle path: towards the center of balance

The balanced place for Capricorn and Cancer is a place of awareness of our inner emotional needs for love and security, self-care, self-responsibility instead of blaming someone else (even if it’s the stars), exercising self-discipline and leadership qualities with a heart. loving for the greater good and healing the distorted inner masculine and feminine side in us.

Every time we complain and blame someone out there; the friend, the lover, the boss or the government we give up our power and become the victim.

your personal power

Stepping into your personal power means accepting where you are and then focusing all of your emotional and mental energy on where you want to go. So you keep that foreseen future in your mind and heart and enjoy the development…

“When you are deliberately looking for positive aspects of whatever you are paying attention to, in a sense, you tune your vibrational tuning to more positive aspects of everything. And, of course, you could also tune negatively. But since you are deliberately looking for positive aspects in yourself or others, you will find more of those things: “The better it gets, the better it gets,” because you get more and more of what you’re thinking whether you want it or not.” -Abraham-Hicks

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