Is Germany in danger of backsliding?

The “conversion” of Germany from Nazism to democracy was imposed by the victors of World War II.

We leave it to the Germans to “de-Nazify” your country! Now Germany appears to be retreating as the German Nazi spirit begins to move again, preparing to break free from the furiously imposed shackles and return with a vengeance from the abyss, threatening to wreak havoc on the world.


It seems that humanity continues its march of madness and he refuses to learn, and rejects the biblical principles of strong leadership as manifested in great British-Israelite heroes like Winston S. Churchill.

For the record, I have been to Germany four times and have had German roommates while volunteering at various kibbutzim in Israel, and I have nothing against individual Germans and I think their country is very beautiful, and I am definitely German. -American, largely.

I love the German people enough to help warn them that be very cautious of any crisis that tempts them to blindly follow the emerging leader, who will be portrayed as Europe’s savior from nuclear Islam, by none other than the Pope and the political puppets of the Vatican. Yes, watch out for the beast! The Bible states that Europe will experience another would-be divine emperor.

I believe that most Germans are simply naive or ordinary citizens (like this country), but that the powers behind the scenes, the true rulers of Germany, intend to deceive and manipulating the German army and people again to form their last and Fourth Reich, just as biblical prophecy warns.

The growing evidence of this disturbing trend was clearly manifested in the Balkans, where Germany led the assault on our loyal WWII allies, the Serbs, and raped and destroyed Yugoslavia and massacred the Orthodox, all as the basis for their unholy Empire. Roman of the German Nation.

How did Germany do this when the German constitution forbids it? America was useful jerks to Germany and the bloody Vatican under our shameful president, Bill Clinton, and they helped do their dirty work for them in unison with NATO (the same NATO / UN / EU forces about to be used and abused). in the Middle East, wolves in sheep’s clothing, “peacemakers” with their evil eye in Jerusalem).

By foolishly aiding and inciting German hegemony across Europe, we are actually helping create the Frankenstein Monster that will destroy us! Margaret Thatcher couldn’t have been more right.

“Germany Behind the Mask: Monster or Marshmallow?” He states that not everything is quiet on the continent, although Germany puts up a front … for now.

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