How to Reduce Weight for Wrestling Without Losing Strength or Energy – Part 1

Are you sick and tired of seeing good fighters turn into “small, weak, and weak” fighters because they try to lose weight but don’t do it correctly?

I also !!

I developed this system where I would actually eat a good amount of food from 3 sources, and I could lose around 10 pounds (varies from individual to individual) in 3 days without reducing my strength and energy levels much.

Before we even get into that, we need to clarify something …

I am NOT telling anyone that they should lose weight … I am simply giving them the system that I developed because I had to lose weight myself, and I did not want to starve, dehydrate, sit in saunas, spit, or drink dangerous beverages. more ‘water pills’ … and I don’t want you to do it either.

First, do both of us a favor and make sure you have a doctor’s approval before you get involved with wrestling, weight lifting, or nutritional stuff.

Ok, ’nuff said … let’s go to the first step of the course “How to lose 10 pounds in 3 days” …

Top 3 Weight Loss Foods to Lose Weight Fast!

For years I have worked with wrestlers and coaches who ‘see the light’ and begin to implement better strategies for ultimate success on the wrestling mat.

If you need to lose weight fast for wrestling and don’t have a lot of time to do it, the normal routine for most wrestlers is to eat little or nothing …

You will never, ever be able to fight your best if you don’t eat enough to withstand the physical demands you place on your body when you fight.

You can’t just eat a lot after weighing yourself and hope to make up for your hunger half week. Your body is smarter than that … it doesn’t like it when you deprive it of its source of energy.

So what is the answer?

You need to eat foods that are higher in protein and fat with low levels of complex carbohydrates …

Protein is not stored in your body. When you’re losing weight, your body is struggling to find enough energy to keep up. You can’t just use body fat for energy because you want to retain your fat and use your muscle for energy.

You ‘trick’ your body by giving it foods that are high in protein and fat so that you can eat smaller amounts but still have energy. It also gives you a better chance of recovering quickly after weighing yourself.

Here are my favorites …

Ground Sirloin / Ground BuffaloWhatever is good.

I love these meats when trying to lose weight fast … they have so many benefits.

They are rich in nutrients … This means you can eat less and will keep you energized while reducing weight.

They contain branched chain amino acids When you are losing weight, your body will extract the branched chain amino acids from muscle cells for energy. This leaves you feeling weak and without energy. Eating these meats will help counteract this by supplying more BCAAs.

Contain CLA for Fat Loss Conjugated Linoleic Acid is a fatty acid found in red meat that can aid in fat loss … a plus for anyone on a weight loss mission.

They contain creatine The mineral “Creatine” that you have heard so much about is actually found naturally in red meat. You’d have to eat a lot of red meat to match a single serving of powdered creatine, but it’s definitely present. Creatine has strength benefits due to its muscle cell volumizing properties.

Whole eggsOne of the biggest mistakes men make when trying to lose weight is consuming only egg whites. Egg whites are called Albumin. Albumin is a protein-rich part of food and is absolutely necessary to help preserve muscle tissue when your body is looking for energy. However, you should also eat the yolks because this is where the fat is. This fat is essential when eating low levels of complex carbohydrates or calories.

Green Salad With Olive Oil Lettuce, green bell peppers, red bell peppers, broccoli, cucumber, mushrooms, and onions are good. The salad is consumed with meat to help digest it. Salads are loaded with minerals and fiber. Adding small amounts of olive oil will also help you regulate your hormone levels. Optimal hormone levels will also keep you stronger, leaner, and more energetic.

If I eat ground beef or buffalo with whole eggs and salad, I can lose up to 10 pounds in 36 hours.

(There are some more things I do … but you will discover them in the next 4 parts)

I do this for 4 meals a day and let my appetite determine how much to eat. Monitor your weight daily and when your body uses muscle glycogen (muscle energy) you will begin to lose weight quickly. This is because each gram of glycogen retains 3 water molecules.

Be sure to try this when it ‘doesn’t count’. The last thing you want to do is experience how your body will react just before you have to gain weight. Try it one day at another time and see what your body does. Then you will have a better idea when it really matters.

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