How can I get spilled coffee off my mattress?

Isn’t it nice to have steaming coffee in bed on a lazy morning? In fact, it’s nice until you spill it on your mattress. This is reminiscent of an emergency situation.

Unlike clothes, when you spill coffee on it, you can simply pour it into your washing machine. You can’t do that with your mattress. Also, you cannot just wash the mattress under running water, as it is imperative to keep it as dry as possible. Getting it wet can cause mold to form, and you don’t want that added mattress problem.

First things first, you need to clean up the excess liquid. Use a clean paper towel or cloth to soak up the moisture inside the bed. Ants will most likely get on your mattress too if you don’t clean it right away.

After that, put a few teaspoons of baking soda in a cup of white vinegar and mix this with 4 cups of water. This will serve as your cleaning solution. The next thing to do is get a clean towel. Soak the towel in this solution and squeeze out any dripping moisture. It should be damp enough to clean the surface of the stained mattress.

Use the towel and dry the stained part of the mattress. You can also place it on top of the stained area, rubbing it in a little to help the solution penetrate and clean the stain. Leave it on the mattress for an hour. This should be enough to remove the stains.

After an hour, lift the towel off the mattress. If it’s still damp, spritz on baking soda to help dry up excess moisture. Leave it there for 15 minutes. Next, get a vacuum cleaner and clean the area. Leave it in a sunny spot to dry completely or direct your electric fan towards the humid area.

This should help remove stains from your mattress. The coffee stain is not too difficult to remove if you are using white vinegar. You can even use this cleaning solution to clean your coffee maker if you like. This helps a lot to remove discoloration and other things that don’t.

The next time you have an emergency coffee cleaning situation, try this method to clean your mattress. It’s a mess-free, mess-free way to clean. It’s better than going to the store to buy cleaning supplies.

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