Game of Thrones sets a new standard for epic fantasy

There is no denying that award-winning author George RR Martin can weave a fine tale out of the long series of novels, short stories, and television adaptations attributed to him. However, with a Game of Thrones book, he broke the barriers of the fantasy genre, bringing to light a unique narrative structure that is sure to set a new benchmark for future generations of fantasy writers.

Perhaps the most interesting facet of the Game of Thrones book is how Martin manages to create a world that is fantastic and realistic at the same time. While the setting has hints of magic, dragons, and otherworldly creatures, these are used more to enrich the world and the characters than to serve as the driving forces of the story. There is no “deus ex machina” element that is typical of fantasy worlds; there is no presence of an almighty god, wizard, or creature to save the main hero from impending doom. Instead, all the main characters have to bail out through their own devices and when they can’t, they can and will be subjected to severe punishment, sometimes even death. One of the reasons the series has become so infamous is Martin’s apparent willingness to kill any of the characters for the sake of the story.

Another intriguing feature of the book is its unique, character-driven nature. Rather than highlighting the fantastic elements of the world, Martin focuses on the human nature of its main protagonists. A Game of Thrones is just that: a power struggle between four main families, the Baratheons, Starks, Lannisters, and Targaryens, who are vying for control of the Iron Throne in the same way as War of the Roses. The story is told from the point of view of eight different characters that represent each of these families. Shifting points of view offer the possibility of diverse perspectives for a particular event, leading readers to reevaluate their initial assumptions. A nobleman who orders a gruesome beheading early in the book may be seen as a heartless tyrant, but is later revealed to be the book’s main hero and probably the most honorable among the key players. The Lannister family may be perceived as the villains, but it is the Lannister dwarf’s point of view that provides the most earthy, interesting, and entertaining perspective on the underlying war.

The diverse cast of characters keeps readers interested throughout the extensive prose. They are not simply kings, princes, and knights, but also parents, children, widowers, outcasts, and bastards. There are the stunted, crippled and maimed, but they are no less as strong as the people around them. Women also play a fundamental role. Far from being typified as delicate elf princesses or beautiful witches, they are mothers, daughters, sisters and friends; and they possess a determination and strength of character that can easily overpower men.

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