Frontline for Cats: an effective flea treatment for cats

The cat flea may be an insignificant insect for the vast majority of us, but for any cat owner it can be a real thorn in the side. It doesn’t take much for cats to get a flea infestation. A cat just needs to go outside, maybe lay on the ground or rub against other cats and before you know it, it’s infested.

The flea cycle is actually quite cunning. Fleas actually thrive inside outdoor grasses and weeds. When an unsuspecting cat shows up, just jump on board. Here they happily feed on the blood of their host and produce eggs. When the cat comes out, the eggs are thrown to the ground where they hatch into lice and then fleas and the whole process starts all over again.

If your cat has any signs of fleas, they should be addressed immediately, not only for your cat’s benefit, but also to help prevent the infestation from spreading to other cats. It’s easy to check your cat for fleas. Just check all of its fur along the back and neck and especially check the underside; a particularly favorite place for fleas to hang out. If you see little black creatures getting in or out of his fur, scurrying quickly along the skin, I’m afraid your cat has fleas.

Fortunately, there are some really effective treatments on the market that will help you tackle this problem. He wouldn’t choose any of the flea powders, but what he would recommend is a “Spot On” treatment like Frontline. Frontline for Cats will actively kill any infestation your cat may have within a 24 hour period. Not only that, but it will also protect your cat against any future flea attacks for a full five weeks.

Using Frontline is really easy. Nothing requires to be taken internally; It is an external treatment so it is super safe. It comes in a small box containing several pipettes. You can buy it in quantities of 6 or 3 pipettes and the 6-pipette pack is usually significantly cheaper per pipette than the last one. The pipettes themselves are aluminum-backed blister packs containing the liquid treatment, similar in shape to a traditional pipette.

To administer, simply cut off the top of the pipette with scissors, separate a small area of ​​fur anywhere along the back of your cat’s neck, and squeeze the entire contents directly onto the exposed skin. You must be careful not to stain the fur, or at least as little as possible, as it will not scatter and go to waste. This can be a bit tricky if your cat is squirming, but if you hold her well, you should be fine.

Once this is done, any infestation should be gone within 24 hours. One thing that is really remarkable about Frontline is that it continues to work for an additional 5 weeks, killing any fleas that land on your cat in a short space of time.

Frontline is highly recommended not only by vets, but also by a large number of cat owners!

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