Energy-Efficient Furnace Repairs

Efficient Furnace Repairs

Furnaces require routine maintenance to keep them running at peak efficiency. A heating system that isn’t well maintained will waste energy and wear out parts more quickly.

Many people consider attempting DIY furnace repair to save money, but it’s important to weigh your technical knowledge and comfort level against the safety risks involved in handling a complex home appliance such as a gas-powered furnace. If you decide to go it alone, be aware that any mistakes can result in gas leaks or other major problems. Additionally, amateur repair attempts can void your furnace warranty.

One of the most common furnace problems is a breakdown of the blower motor in a forced-air system. In addition, gas furnaces often have electrical ignition systems that can break down, leading to a pilot light failure.

If your furnace has a digital thermostat, make sure it is set to “heat” rather than “cool.” Also, check the blower fan to ensure it’s not running continuously. This can lead to overheating and wear of the blower motor, run capacitor and furnace control board.

It’s a good idea to have your system inspected by an HVAC contractor before the winter weather arrives. An expert will inspect the unit and help you develop a plan to address any issues that may arise during the season.

Unusual noises, such as rattling and banging, are often a sign that your furnace is in need of repairs. A professional will be able to diagnose the problem and fix it before it becomes more severe.

Energy-Efficient Furnace Repairs

Some older homes have ductwork designed with zones, which allow homeowners to control the amount of heat or airflow to each room. This feature is useful in larger homes, where each area has different needs. However, zoning systems are more complex than basic ductwork and require more frequent maintenance.

Changing your filter frequently will help your furnace run efficiently. This will reduce the buildup of dirt and dust that can cause a machine to overheat. It’s a good idea to change your filter at least once every three months, or more frequently if necessary.

If you’re concerned about how much your furnace is costing to operate, you can hire a technician to perform a load calculation on the house. A professional can evaluate your home to determine how much heating it requires and recommend the right size furnace for your needs.

A stale, musty odor is another sign that it’s time for furnace repair. If the odor is persistent, it could be a sign of carbon monoxide, which is deadly and requires immediate attention from an HVAC specialist. The smell could also be caused by a clogged vent pipe or a loose gas cap. If you suspect this is the case, shut off your furnace and open windows until a certified professional can come out and investigate. In the meantime, try running a room humidifier or dehumidifier to remove excess moisture in the air. This can prevent mold and mildew growth that can aggravate asthma and other respiratory conditions.

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