daily juice for health

There are many professionals who strongly believe that juicing raw foods like fruits and vegetables is the path to a better and healthier lifestyle. Dr. Norman Walker’s example of drinking a couple of glasses of freshly extracted vegetable juice daily, and also keeping his body free of junk, is a good example of this. Dr. Walker lived a very long life without disease and had enough energy to work until the day he died. He died peacefully in his sleep at 113 years of age.

The late Dr. Bircher-Benner, founder of the famous Bircher-Benner clinic that also focuses on power or raw juice, also agreed that raw green juice is one of the most therapeutic substances in the world for the body. human.

Therefore, including a daily juice can really benefit your health, mind and body. If you want ‘fast food’, let this be the one. The pure fast food of liquids extracted from fruits and vegetables that will actually help your body gain energy instead of blocking it. This fast food of live nutrients for the body is abundant in antioxidants, life-giving enzymes and many vitamins. Why do I call juices fast food? It’s easier and faster than cooking. Just wash your fruits and vegetables, cut them up and put them in your juicer. Ready! Ready! There are even some juicers on the market today where you don’t even have to cut the fruits, just drop them down the chute, nothing could be faster or easier.

Life today is hectic, sometimes more than we would like. There are so many demands on people’s lives. The daily hustle and bustle of a million and one things to do. Dealing with jobs, families, rushing the kids from one activity to another, multiple tasks, it’s no wonder people feel burned out, tired and stressed. Dealing with everything that life throws at you and not eating properly will also surely cost you work. Eventually, you will feel completely exhausted and your body will weaken for the disease to take over. So please help yourself by energizing your body and juice daily for health.

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