Choosing the right perfume for you

Perfumes will contain several layers of aromas creating a unique bouquet. These layers are described as your ‘notes’. These notes become more apparent over time and what you smell when you first select it may change when you bring it home.

Highest ratings: They consist of small, lightweight molecules that evaporate quickly when applied. These form the initial impression and are often the selling points of a selection. The top notes can be described as fresh or clean-smelling, with the strong, volatile end being strong. Although that is the first impression, they tend to evaporate quickly.

Middle notes: This comes before the high notes evaporate. It is the main body and arises in the middle of the perfume distribution process. The purpose of the middle notes is to mask the generally unpleasant initial impression of the base notes which become more pleasant over time. Typically softer and more rounded, these scents can emerge after two minutes to an hour after application.

Basic notes: This materializes near the exit of the middle notes. The main theme of a perfume is the middle and base notes. While the base notes add depth and solidity, the compounds are often links used to capture and promote the strength of the much lighter top and middle notes. Large, heavy molecules evaporate slowly and tend to be rich, deep bouquets that emerge 30 minutes after application. Some base notes may still be evident twenty-five hours after application.

Consider the following things when selecting the right scent:

1. Think about the smells you enjoy the most, listing those that bring back memories or are full of meaning for you. If you are normally drawn to the outdoors, then a perfume with a floral or woody note would be appropriate.

2. Your personality is another factor to take into account. If you’re the type of person who loves to dress up, choose one that lasts. If you are the more casual and carefree person, select one that is fresh and clean. Another alternative are those with a combination of aromas that can highlight your personality. Choosing the right fragrance that represents who you are is the best.

3. Try before you buy. No one likes to take a perfume home and discover that it doesn’t smell the same as it did in the store. Ask about samples that can be tested for a few days before committing to a potentially disastrous purchase.

4. Get feedback from friends and family. Ask if the fragrance is too strong, stays on too long, or if they like it. Ideally, we want to select one that we like to wear and that the people around us find enjoyable.

When understanding the base notes of a perfume and the scents that appeal to you, you should also keep in mind that fragrances change when applied to the skin. So even though it smells wonderful in the bottle, that doesn’t mean it will on your skin. Apply a sample to your skin and let it sit for a few minutes. This will determine if the perfume brings out the nuances of the scent that you want.

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