Bringing Home Your New Puppy: What to Expect and How to Involve Your Kids

Things to expect when you bring home your new puppy:

Chew – Understand that puppies LOVE to chew! They will chew on your shoes, your furniture, your children’s toys, etc., just to name a few. This does not mean that you should let your puppy run around your house, he will just need a little training.

Home invasion – This will definitely take some time. You can’t expect a puppy to be fully housetrained until he is several months old and some even take up to a year. A young puppy just can’t control himself if he has to wait to get out. This is no different than training your child, you have to be patient.

Invest in a dog crate: Puppies need their own “den.” A crate is a great place for your pup to go for safety, and he won’t mind staying in it when you’re not watching him. You can also put your puppy in this crate at night so you don’t have to worry about whether or not he is going to the bathroom on your rug.

Use a baby gate: You can use a baby gate during the day to confine your pup to a place like your kitchen, as this is usually where you have linoleum or tile floors that are easy to clean when your pup has an accident.

Give your kids “puppy” chores

Please never expect your young child to train the puppy. It is too difficult for them since they are young themselves. But there are things you can teach your children so they feel like they have something to do with training your puppy.

has. Feeding: A dog will eat itself into oblivion if you let it, so have your kids set a schedule for your pup and feed it at the same time every day. This also helps regulate your puppy’s bowels.

b. Take a bath: your children will have fun doing this. They just need to make sure the water is at room temperature and that the pet shampoo doesn’t get in your pup’s eyes or ears.

vs. Brushing – Your pup will love this and it is a very easy thing that your child can learn to do. This must be done every day. It will keep your pup clean, not to mention remove excess hair that will shed. Your pup will LOVE the attention.

d. Walking: This should be done twice a day, in the morning and at night. Not only does this give your pup exercise, but it also gives your kids a chance to get out of the house and get some exercise themselves. We live in a world of games and computers and our kids just don’t get enough exercise. Walking your dog is a good routine to start with.

me. Potty Accidents: They will also need to be picked up after your pup has a potty accident. (this applies to kids who are old enough to do it…not toddlers) This will teach your kids to take the “not so fun” things along with the good times you have with your new pup .

Just remember that dogs take a lot of time and patience, so expect your life to slow down a bit. You will soon realize how much joy they can bring not only to your children’s lives but to yours as well. It can be a way for your family to reconnect. There is something about that feeling you get from your dog that gives you unconditional love.

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