Book Summary: Permission to Win

From a new generation of motivators, America’s Attitude Coach

Ray Pelletier gives you a practical guide to translate

your personal mission into concrete action. to do today

your january 1 Say goodbye to negative thoughts and

change your life by giving yourself Permission to Win.

talking to champions

Bad perceptions of ourselves are formed at an early age.

childhood and can stay with us for the rest of our lives,

unless we make an effort to change and have a winner


decide to win

The first step to winning is: You need to Decide to win.

Your January 1 marks the day you decide to restructure

your way of thinking and escape from each cell to which

others have confined or limited you.

What is win?

Winning is recognizing one of life’s greatest truths:

“It doesn’t matter what happens to you, only what you do

what happens to you!” – a winner is someone who

He knows how to overcome adversity.

Goals and Missions

Your mission refers to your reason for being on earth,

your purpose in life. We all need a vision and a mission.

that reflects our unique talents and desires. Is

something that eats us and it is the inner voice that

it tells us what we should be doing with our time.

Some of the most unhappy people are those who never wear

goals for themselves and continue working at a job that

hate, or stay in a dead-end relationship. Thesis

people delude themselves with greater self-fulfillment

and inner peace.

Attitude – the Magic of Mental Coaching

You need to find yourself a coach. Where can you find the

best coach? Look in the mirror. If you’re going to be a

long-term winner, you have to access your subconscious

mind and reprogram it with positive thoughts and

experiences that will keep you on top!

If you’ve been programmed to think you’re a loser and

you’ll never amount to much, chances are that’s what you

will become. You can reprogram yourself to think that

you are a winner.

Learning makes it happen

You are responsible to yourself to get the best education.

to prepare you for your dream. Keep in mind that many

“overnight success” cases actually took years to


Remember: winners never stop learning.

Communicating – the center of the wheel

Winners follow these principles of effective communication:

1. Think before you speak.

2. Keep control of your emotions and be positive,

open-minded and respectful of the opinions of others.

3. When communicating with others: Be courteous. Whose

interrupt. Be attentive.

4. When you have something to say, start by listening.

5. KISS – Keep it simple, Simon! this means great

communicators use clear, simple, concise, and direct language

language. Nobody likes a pretentious person who only uses

big words and likes to sound superior.

6. Raising your voice unnecessarily can be interpreted as

a sign of anger or frustration and should be avoided in

each instance. Stay focused on your goal.

family and personal relationships

Winners can weather a storm and come out on top. Yew

your spouse has left you, it may be time to put on a

winner hat and move on. Create your new life and not

getting bogged down in depression and lack of activity. Remember,

we can’t adjust the wind, but we can adjust the sails.

win in the workplace

Always remember: you are responsible for your own

career. Your attitude is everything. leave

your work luggage outside the door when you get home.

Also, leave your personal luggage outside the door.

when you get to your workplace. In real life we ​​do

the mistake of taking our work problems home, and our

home problems to work.


All human beings, no matter what religion they belong to,

find happiness and fulfillment in a way of giving or

charity. It is when we are helping others that we feel lighter,

and happy. Choose a cause that interests you and fits

your talent and unique profile. This will add a new meaning.

to your life

tax fitness

Yes, you CAN attend to earn a living AND work in

your personal mission Few of us are rich enough or

lucky enough to just chase our dreams without

thinking about where we will get our funding. take a

daily effort to schedule a portion of your day at

his personal dream job, and another to pay for the


The water of life

This probably involves the most important radii in the

Circle or Wheel of Life. The water of life refers to the

three essential spokes of the Circle of Life:

1. The spiritual

2. Physical fitness


We all need to make space for these activities.

permission to win

1. Free yourself from self-imposed restrictions and open

your mind to the potential of a champion.

2. Don’t let the loss of a job, a relationship, or a

sickness takes away your strength.

3. The good thing about human beings is their ability

to overcome adversity.

4. Give yourself permission to earn and start today!

5. Take five seconds to go to a mirror and tell yourself

loud and firm: “I give you permission to win.”

Key thoughts:

“Worry more about your character than about your

reputation, because character is what you really are,

while your reputation is simply what others think you are

are.” -John Wooden, college basketball coach

“Although they only give out gold medals in the field of

athletics, I encourage everyone to look at themselves

and find your own personal dream, whatever it is

be – sports, medicine, law, business, music, writing,

whatever. The same principles apply. turn your dream

in a goal and learn to attack that goal

systematic. Divide it into dick-sized chunks that

seems possible, and then don’t give up. just keep

Disconnecting it.”

– John Naber, swimmer, four-time Olympic gold medalist

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