Advantages of school trips linked to the curriculum

Most of us are familiar with what has become a childhood ritual: school trips! That’s right, taking children on school trips to amusement parks, farms, factories, nature centers, and other outdoor activities provides some of the key elements in their learning process. Several investigations have documented that school excursions contribute greatly to their cognitive abilities and environmental concepts. In addition, the children acquire a positive attitude towards their environmental science and have a better perception regarding the acquisition of knowledge and skills.

Also, field trips can stimulate a natural interest in nature-related concepts or give them a broader idea of ​​what they want to do when they grow up. Although almost every school enjoys field trips from time to time, most parents and teachers overlook the incredible benefits that come with field trips and the impact they have on a child’s education.

Here are some great benefits of going on curriculum-linked school trips:

• Reinforcement – ​​taking a child on a trip can help a teacher reinforce what she has been teaching in class about a topic, and this helps children better understand the topic as they see real examples. Also, it becomes easier for a teacher to reinforce her topics and instructions on the children without much effort, since the children can see their topics in real life, which makes it easier for them to understand.

• Engaging: Teachers can make these field trips their mobile classroom, as the teacher can continue to teach students about her topic while on the trip, and the children, on the other hand, can enjoy their trip while enjoying the effect. to study in a classroom.

• Activities – Once you return from the trip, teachers can encourage students to collect data about their trip, take quizzes for them to enjoy, and do projects based on what they learned on their field trip.

• Curiosity – We all know that children are quite inquisitive by nature and when children visit places they have never been before, they tend to learn more about the topic that has been taught in class and explore their questions for themselves.

• Exposure – Not everyone gets to visit the places they love, and when they get this opportunity through a field trip, they get exposure they’ve never experienced before. This is especially for students who are less fortunate and do not find the opportunity to travel with their parents.

• Episodic memories: Educational trips can create a lasting impression on children’s memories, as their episodic memories can retain information for a longer period of time. Therefore, it is guaranteed that children tend to learn better about a subject on a field trip than they usually do through textbooks.

• Perspective: Another example of how students benefit from educational travel is by absorbing new perspectives on the word. No matter how big or small the duration of the excursion, when children come into direct contact with different environments, they develop a new perspective on different places, cultures and societies.

One place that has recently become extremely popular for these types of excursions is SEA Life as it is home to 1000 different marine species with some of the rarest creatures thought to the point. The entire place is covered in 14 different themes that can captivate children and yet give them the most intense marine educational experience.

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