Is it okay to be a spoiled grandfather?

In the research that I have done, and the fact that I am a grandparent of three, I have come to the conclusion that yes, there should be some guidelines for grandparents to follow. First, I want to make it very clear that grandparents are an essential part of their grandchildren’s lives for several reasons: Grandparents tell a story of their parents’ lives, make their parents human to their children, and allow them to see what they did. errors as well. It is important for children, as they grow up, to hear stories of what life was like when their grandparents were young. Before computers, cell phones, social networks (you had to look for information in an encyclopedia). What did they do for entertainment? Children will be amazed! They will most likely want to strike up a conversation about that time period. Grandparents have the privilege and duty to instill values ​​and manners in their grandchildren.

Now for the guidelines: As grandparents, we must respect parental rules within reason. If parents are adamant about not candy because of the behavior they see afterward, then it should be respected if they go home soon. If there are behavior problems that parents are working on with their child, it is vital that the grandparents follow suit as well. It is important for grandparents to show a united front with parents. If there is a problem, it should be discussed away from children. Now, in the case of toys, most of the research that I have found is reasonable and responsible on the matter. Don’t deal with expensive gifts just because, or every time you see your grandchildren, because you have the wherewithal to do so. The child or children will become dependent on him. Therefore, when this does not happen, unwanted behavior appears. Spend quality time with your grandchildren in activities such as: cooking, saving family photos, crafting, playing with toys, building blocks, magnetic tiles, tea parties, riding a bike, etc. Opportunity to take them separately for a special date from time to time which is highly recommended. Make sure you treat all of your grandchildren the same and don’t play favorites. This could be harmful to your other grandchildren and their parents. All parents want to see their parents’ love in their children, and most won’t bother with a toy here and there for no reason.

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