Japanese “Kaizen” principles for blogs

In the world of Japanese management style, Kaizen means “change for the better” or “improvement.” Kaizen refers to the workplace strategy that requires endless efforts to improve, involving everyone in the organization, both managers and workers. In general, a Japanese management Kaizen team has two main components: maintenance and improvement. Each component has its specific functions. The maintenance function is to maintain the current technological, administrative and operational standards, while the improvement function aims to improve the current standards. These same principles can be applied to blogs. Here are ways you can apply “Kaizen” principles to blogging.

Let’s discuss Kaizen for blogs in terms of the Manage and Improve features.


For Kaizen, you typically have to focus on improving the process rather than achieving certain results. It is also a process that, when done correctly, helps to eliminate too much hard work (both mental and physical) and teaches people how to learn to detect and eliminate useless processes. A good blogger should possess the following management skills:

  • Time management
  • Time management helps you work on the most valuable tasks and get them done quickly. Time management is not an obscure notion, but rather an important blogging strategy that can be followed to gain a great deal of success. Many bloggers have failed because they are inefficient and time management can increase that efficiently. Knowing how to manage your time effectively will help you achieve the goals you want with the least effort.

  • Maximize the effectiveness of blogs
  • Every blogger puts a lot of effort into creating a blog and then posting content regularly, but it is even more important that many people read the content.

  • Keywords
  • Always try to build an understanding of the keywords used in your blog. You also need to understand how the unique features of your blog and how your blog can fit in with the current concerns of your audience. This understanding will help you develop content and also guide conversations.

    2. Improvement

    Under the improvement function, a blogger must continuously work to review the current standards, once they have mastered them, and set higher ones. Improvement can be divided between innovation and Kaizen. Innovation implies a drastic improvement in the existing process and requires large investments. Kaizen means small improvements as a result of continuous coordinated efforts. The areas that require constant improvement for a blog are:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a website from search engines through search results. A blog that ranks higher on a search engine results page will have more searchers visiting the blog. A good blogger should always pay attention to the latest SEO techniques to fully optimize their blog for search engines. A high search engine ranking is also essential for better blog income.

  • Writting skills
  • Blogging is about writing. In order for you to advertise your blog content, you should always strive to improve your writing skills. While most people think of writers as infinitely talented, living in a rarefied air denied to the rest of us, writing is a learned skill. While some people are born more gifted with the written word than others, most people can become better writers simply through practice. Blogging is as good a field of practice as any.

  • internet marketing
  • Your blog doesn’t do a good job if it isn’t marketed properly. Without proper marketing, you may end up having a limited readership. You should learn some basic marketing tips for your blog. Some of the basic marketing techniques are like joining a blog network eg mybloglog, 9rules etc, submitting your blog to directories, having a contest, creating links and trackbacks and many more.

    True to the principle of Kaizen, you should always strive for small improvements for your blog. A little improvement and continual standardization produces big results in a compound productivity improvement way.

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