What Works Best for Neck Pain Relief

It is estimated that 70% of people will experience neck pain at some point in their life. There are many forms of treatment available, but it is sometimes difficult to know, specifically, which will be the most effective method of relieving neck pain. This article will discuss the most common cause of neck pain and a safe and effective approach to achieving neck discomfort relief.

A scientific research study in 2012, which evaluated 272 neck pain patients, compared three treatment approaches: chiropractic, medication, and exercise. Patients who received chiropractic care or exercise instruction reported the greatest reduction in pain. In fact, the researchers found that patients who received chiropractic care and exercise therapy were twice as likely to achieve complete pain relief as patients in the medication group.

The most common cause of neck pain is due to misalignment and improper movement of the joints between the bones of the spine. The bones in the spinal column of the neck are called the cervical vertebrae. There are seven of these vertebrae. Just as we have joints in the rest of the body, we have joints between the cervical vertebrae. These joints are called facet joints. These joints allow the vertebrae to move through a limited range of motion. The joints should move just the right amount. If the joint does not move freely it is called hypomobility. If the joint moves excessively it is called hypermobility. If there is hypomobility or hypermobility, neck discomfort may occur. Any abnormal movement of the facet joints is called dysfunction.

Chiropractors are physicians trained to determine whether there is proper movement of the facet joints in the cervical spine. Chiropractic training focuses on chiropractic physicians being able to feel the movements of the facet joints. It takes many years of training for a chiropractor to learn this skill. Chiropractors can also feel if the muscles around the facet joints are in normal tone or in spasm, which usually occurs if there is joint dysfunction. Apart from chiropractors, there are very few doctors or therapists in other professions who have the level of skill and sense of touch and feel capable of diagnosing joint dysfunction.

Once joint dysfunction is determined to be the source of neck discomfort, chiropractors can provide treatment using chiropractic spinal manipulation. Spinal manipulation is also a skill unique to the chiropractic profession and requires many years of training and practice. Chiropractic spinal manipulations restore proper movement of the facet joints to relieve neck pain.

For more than one hundred and twenty-five years, gentle and safe chiropractic care has been considered the gold standard treatment for neck pain relief.

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