Tips to conquer peripheral neuropathy with functional medicine

The vast majority of Earth’s population does not suffer from any chronic medical condition that severely restricts their ability to function on a daily basis, but those dealing with such conditions can attest to the fact that the rest of the population is not missing much. – and when it comes to conditions that can reduce quality of life, there are few that compete with peripheral neuropathy; If you have peripheral neuropathy, you know you can deal with everything from decreased motor and sensory abilities to numbness, tingling and nerve pain to constipation and incontinence, and one of the most frustrating things about this condition is that despite From the great medical advances of the last two hundred years, the common “solution” to this problem is to treat the symptoms, leaving the root of the problem alone.

If peripheral neuropathy is something you are dealing with, and you have had to live with the frustration of modern medicine’s ineffectiveness, you are not alone, as almost all of the serious medical afflictions that people sometimes deal with They face only have medications available so that it treats the symptoms and does nothing to cure the disease itself; A great example of this that is easy for many people to understand is insomnia, since insomnia is not a disease in itself, but a symptom; however, despite this fact, most doctors only seek to “cure” insomnia. without seeking to cure whatever is causing the insomnia, and this wrong approach to medicine is exactly what happens with peripheral neuropathy.

If you suffer from peripheral neuropathy, one thing you should know is that there has been an increase in a form of “medicine” known as functional medicine lately, and although the brand of this approach to medicine (complete with a label) is fairly new, it’s actually an approach to medicine that harks back to the ancient and fundamentally sound concept of curing the root of the problem rather than trying to cure the symptoms; Basically, functional medicine takes the positive knowledge that we have gained from modern medicine, and uses this knowledge to discover how to cure the problems that cause such uncomfortable symptoms to appear.

When it comes to treating peripheral neuropathy, this is a huge shift in thinking, as this approach to curing the disease puts patients in a position where they can really start to get better, rather than just putting them in a position. position where they can sometimes “feel” better, which of course makes a big difference in the long run. “

You may have heard of the idea of ​​a diet for peripheral neuropathy or supplementation for peripheral neuropathy and basically each of these two things falls under the category of functional medicine, which is something that has taken on a lot. impulse. Lately in the pockets of the medical community, and it’s something you should start to pay attention to if you want to find a way to improve your quality of life.

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